Chapter 14

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The sound of an alarm goes off for almost the millionth time. I could tell Amanda tried to ignore it as well since she didn't move. That, or she is an extremely heavy sleeper.

I roll over and try to find what's making the noise. Reaching around aimlessly on her side table, I finally grab the culprit of the noise. I bring the phone closer to me, finally recognizing it as my phone.

I stop the alarm and turn to go back to sleep next to Amanda, but the notifications I have stop me. I never have more than a couple notifications at a time. Scrolling through, I see they are all from one person. Andrew.

Texts messages, voicemails, missed calls. I sit up so fast that it causes Amanda to finally stir. I read all the messages and transcripts. All say basically the same thing. My eyes widen and my heartbeat quickens. I leap out of bed and try to find my clothes from two days ago.

"Cate? What's wrong?" I am basically tearing up her room looking for the red lingerie and the outfit I was wearing over it. The panic has set in and is driving me full force.

"I need to get home," I finally find and put on both top and bottom lingerie pieces and I'm now struggling to get my legs through each pant leg.

"Andrew is home. He has been blowing my phone up for what looks like hours," I pull my shirt over my head and frantically grab all the small, little things I need now. A thump is heard and I look up to see Amanda getting dressed as well.

"Let me help you get your stuff together then," together, I am putting on my last shoe, holding everything I came with, within the next 5 minutes. I make sure I have my keys and walk towards the door. My legs stop right in front of the handle, something pulling me back.

I look up and over towards Amanda. She is wearing panties and a shirt. She is smiling and leaning against the brief hallway wall. My body knows what to do before my brain does, cause the next thing I know I'm walking towards Amanda.

I hold her face gently and kiss her. She jumps from surprise but kisses back almost immediately. Our bodies pull the other close as we kiss. It didn't last longer than a few seconds, but it was definitely long enough to stir and spike feelings in me I had been repressing since the first time I orgasmed.

"I'll see you soon..." I back up slowly before turning around and opening her front door. Walking through it and closing it behind me, I take a deep breath and sigh. Walking over to my car, I get and start it.

My thoughts are running a million miles and hour as I drive home. All the possible reactions and situations That might happen when I get home. My heart is racing and I'm sweating like crazy. I know he's a good man, but I can't help but let my anxiety take over.

The lights are on in the house as I drive up and into the already open garage. The door closes and I turn off the engine. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for whatever reaction I get from Andrew as soon as I walk inside.

Andrew must have left them on in case I got home when it was dark. I walk inside the house and see Andrew sleeping on the counter, his phone in hand. The door to the garage shutting behind me wakes him up.

"Cate!" He jerks up. Looking up and around he finally sees me and his eyes widen. Getting up, he gets up off the stool he was on and runs towards me.

"Where were you? You are usually home when I get back from business trips," he has a genuinely concerned look on his face. It fades into confusion quickly. He hugs me again, this time taking a big breath.

"You smell different..." looking me up and down, I feel my heart start to race. I usually have time to shower at home before he gets back. I smell of Amanda and her shower products.

"Uh, yeah... I crashed at a friends last night and took a shower there," I try to not give my affair away. Amanda doesn't have all feminine smelling products, so who knows if he truly catches on.

"And why were you at a friends? Do I know him? Or her? I don't know, but what's his name?" His tone gradually get angrier, causing my stomach to turn. Swallowing, I try and keep my composure.

"Amanda," his grip loosens around my biceps and his composure chills out. Laughing lightly he backs away from me.

"I'm sorry," he gently takes my hand in his and kisses it lightly, "I never should have doubted you," a small seed of guilt plants itself in my stomach as I see Andrew walk back over to the counter to grab his phone.

"I called in sick today, so we can spend some quality time together," he looks up from his phone, smiling. I smile back, the feeling of a personality mask appearing shocks me.

"What do you have in mind?" A chipper tone and airy body language has come out to play. Andrew walks over to me and places his hands on my hips. The action that once sent sparks has dulled. Andrew leans down and kisses my lips.

I place my hands on his cheeks in an attempt to feel what I used to feel whenever he kissed me. Instead, it's just a familiar physical feeling that isn't appealing anymore.

I know I love Andrew. There is no doubt about that. Then why are the sudden romantic gestures that would get me going doing nothing anymore? Do we just need to spice it up? I pull away from his lips enough for me to speak. My heart rate isn't what it usually is after a kiss like that from Andrew.

"Sleep with me," he takes my hand and doesn't hesitate to lead me to our bedroom. Everything falls where it usually does. Except this time I know how to properly direct him to get me off the way he should have been able to in the first place.

I may seem confused, I'm not. I've lived long enough to recognize what I'm feeling and the most likely reason why. I just can't stand the thought of not giving the man I have given myself to for over half my lifetime a proper chance.

That is the right thing to do. Right?

Authors Note:

I'm so sorry for another late update. I've been looking for a new job the past couple weeks...

Anyway! Thank you so much for reading! Please vote and comment anything if you enjoyed the chapter! I love reading your comments. I honestly wish Wattpad had a 'like comment' feature.

Love You!!!

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