7 (chapter 1)

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"You ready for this?" Harry says as I walk down the stairs with my bag. I have packed some simple clothes, some ingredients for potions, a book or two and the letters Draco sent me with my memory book.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I say, slipping my wand into my waistband. I look down at my ring and adjust it on my finger with a sad smile.

"I know you're worried about him, he can handle himself" He says. I nod and look up at him.

"I hope so" I say as there is a knock at the door. Harry opens it to reveal everyone. I smile as Hagrid comes through the door.

"Hello Harry! Y/N good to see you!" He says. I hug him quickly.

"Hi!" Hermione says hugging me as well.

"Hi!" I say and smile at her as we walk into the Dursleys now empty living room.

"You're looking fit," George says as they walk through the door. I smile and hug them both tightly.

"Y/N, stunning as ever," Fred says, pulling away from me.

"Yeah, they're absolutely gorgeous... Let's say we get undercover, before someone blows you..Do you?" Madeye says walking into the room. I roll my eyes at him as Kingsley enters with Mr Weasley.

"Kingsley, weren't you looking after the PrimeMinister?" Harry says.

"You two are more important" He says and moves out of the way so that a redhead can walk into the room.

"Hello Harry, Y/N. Bill Weasley. Pleasure to meet you" He says shaking both of our hands. I notice a werewolf scratch across his face.

"He wasn't always so handsome" George says and smiles at his older brother.

"Daredevil" Fred adds with a laugh as Fleur comes in behind them.

"True enough Happened while fighting a werewolf called Greyback, Would like to return the favour one day" He says as she takes his hand.

"You're still beautiful to me, Billy" She says and kisses his cheek. Remus and Tonks enter the room.

"Just remember, Fleur Bill takes his steak on the raw side now" He says. I hug them both tightly and they smile at me as I pull away.

"My husband, the joker. By the way, Wait till you hear the news..." Tonks starts, before Madeye cuts in throwing down a bag.

"Can wait no time for cozy catch up. We have to get the hell out of here.You two are underage, which means you've still got the trace on you" He explains. Harry looks between us all confused.

"What is the trace?" He asks.

"If you sneezed, the Ministry will know who wiped your nose" Mr Weasley adds.

"The point is that we have to use those modes of transport which the trace can't detect Brooms, thestrals and like We'll go in pairs. That way if anything is out there waiting for us...I reckon there will be ... they won't know which Harry Potter is the real one" He says and Harry's eyes widen.

"The real one?" He says looking at me. "What about Y/N?" I look to Madeye and he nods.

"She has agreed to be a distraction while we get you out first as your connection to Voldemort is stronger. Plus word is The Death Eaters can't touch her" He says. Draco. I smile slightly and Hermione catches my eye. "I'm sure she knows why" It means his still risking his life for me and I'm going to slap him for it. "I do believe you are fully aware of this particular brew"

"No, absolutely not" Harry says, shaking his head. I look around at the other members of the order and Hermione smirks at Madeye.

"I told you he won't take it well" She points out.

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