6 (chapter 2)

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Hermione and I have potions first and it's the only class that I have with Draco. Professor Slughorn is explaining an array of potions. I stand in between Hermione and Draco.

"Attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all plan. Harry, my boy, I've been beginning to worry. You brought someone with us, I see" He says as Harry and Ron come in late.

"Ron Weasley, sir. But I'm dead awful at Potions. A menace, actually so. I'm probably just gonna..." He says but Harry holds him in place.

"Nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get your books out" He says waving them off.

"I'm sorry, sir, I haven't actually got my book yet and nor is Ron" Harry says.

"Not to worry, get what you want from the cupboard. Now as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be? Yes, Miss...?" He says turning back to the class. I see Ron and Harry fight over a book and just shake my head at them.

"Granger, sir. That one there is Veritaserum. It's a truth-telling serum" She says. He looks up and smiles at me.

"Very good, Miss Potter. What might this one be?" He asks. I step forward and look at it.

"This is Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them" I say. He nods.

"Miss Potter can you give us an example?" He says. I nod slowly and hear Pansy behind me.

"We know exactly what she's going to smell. She's obsessed with him" She says. I ignore her and smell the potion.

"I smell mint, apples and expensive cologne" I tell him. When I step back Draco is smirking at me. Way to give him a big head Y/N.

"Now Amortentia doesn't create actual love. That would be impossible, but it does cause powerful infatuation or obsession. And for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room" Slughorn explains and then closes the potion.

"Maybe I'll slip Draco some, I'm definitely more his type than she is. He needs a strong woman" Pansy jokes to her friend. Draco bites his lip as I turn and glare at her.

"I would shut the fuck up Pansy" I warn her. She smirks at me.

"Or what? What are you going to do Potter? We all know you're scared of a cruciatus" She says.

"Or I'll punch you in the face. I don't need a wand sweetheart now back off" I spit back and she backs off. Draco smirks at me and wraps an arm around my waist.

"Very well, settle down class" Slughorn says. I give him an apologetic smile.

"Sir, you haven't told us what's in that one" Katie points to a small vial.

"Oh yes. What you see before you, ladies and gentlemen, is a curious little potion, known as Felix Felicis. But it is more commonly known referred to as..." He explains holding it up.

"Liquid luck" Hermione says.

"Yes, Miss Granger. Liquid luck. Desperately tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong. One sip and you'll find that all of your endeavours succeed. At least until the effects wear off. So this is what I offer each of you today. One tiny vial of liquid luck to the student who in the hour that remains, manages to brew an acceptable Draught of Living Dead. Recipes for which can be found on page 10 of your books. Issue one doubt, however. Only one set of student manage to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize. Nevertheless, good luck to you all. Let the brewing commence" He says. I go to walk away but Draco spins me around.

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