6 (chapter 10)

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Harry is sat by the fire with Ginny and Hermione. He stands when he sees me and I go to lunge for him but Ron steps in front of me. "Y/N wait!" Ron says grabbing me. I turn to him with an angry glare.

"Let go of me Ron or so help me god" I shout angrily. Hermione stands and tries to calm me down as I push Ron off me.

"Y/N just listen to us please" She says.

"He attacked my boyfriend!" I scream. "He could have died!" She nods understanding and Harry walks over. I take a step back cause I don't know what I'll do if he comes any closer.

"I didn't mean to, it just slipped out" He tries. I take a deep breath and then look him in the eyes.

"You better hope he's okay or i will never speak to you again" I say and walk out. I go upstairs to my room and change into a black crop top and some leggings. I throw away the shirt and then pull Dracos jumper over me as I'm about to leave they hear me coming back down the stairs.

"Y/N!" He calls after me. I spin around and glare at him through my tears. He stops and tries to plead with his eyes.

"Leave me the hell alone!" I shout. I walk out and my body gives way. I sit on the floor and sob into my knees. "I can't do this anymore" After a while of crying I get up and start walking to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey stops me at the door.

"Miss Potter, Visiting hours are over" She says. I look up at her with tears still running down my faceX

"Please Madame Pomfrey. I need to see him" I beg. She sighs. "Please..." She nods at me and motions to the bed at the end.

"Very well, he's on the end row. I will leave the door unlocked so that you can leave" She says and then collects her bag.

"Thank you" I say. I walk over and slip into the curtain. He is lying with his back to me. I walk closer and try to pull myself together. "Draco?"

"Y/N? What are you..." He says turning to me. His eyes are alert and red. My heart aches for himZ

"I had to make sure you were okay. Draco please don't ever do that to me again. I thought you were dead" I say and let my tears fall. He looks at me shocked and concerned. He holds his hand out and I take it.

"I'm here, look feel I'm okay" He says and puts his hand on his chest so I can feel his heart. I sigh in relief and smile at him. "Come here...please" I nod and take my shoes off before sliding into bed with him. He kisses me passionately. I feel one of his hands dip into my leggings and I pull away.

"Draco...we will get caught" I warn him. He shakes his head.

"Not if you keep quiet, we won't" He says with a small smirk. I sit up and he takes my hand. "Y/N please I need you right now. I don't have long till I'm summoned"

"Shhh...don't talk like that. Let's just forget it all for one night please" I say. He nods and spins me so I'm laying down and he's hovering over me. He takes off my clothes and I feel his hand dip into my underwear. He rubs small circles on my clit and I moan quietly. "Draco stop teasing me" He stops and takes his bottoms off.

"As you wish my love" He says and I feel him press into me. I bite my lip to stop the moan. He relaxes and thrusts a few times. "Gods yes"

"Faster Draco" I beg wrapping my legs around his waist allowing him to hit my sweet spot every time, I can't control the moans that come out as we both reach our highs. He falls down next to me and kisses me again.

"I love you" He says. I kiss him again softly.

"I love you" I say and then we drift off to sleep. I walk up later in the night. Draco is missing. My heart pounds like crazy. I get dressed and walk through the halls. "Draco?" I hear footsteps and turn with my wand pointed.

Always (Draco x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant