Chapter 60: The Prophecy Revealed

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Through the windows I could see the sky starting to lighten, a new day about to dawn. When the car finally stopped, I was sure the sun would be up soon.

We looked to be at the edge of a forest. Three guesses which one.

The whole ride I had been going over plans of escape but I had come up with nothing. Talon didn't seem to have any revelations either. Severus and Morgana had us wrapped around their fingers.

Talon and I shared a knowing look.

How the hell were we going to get out of this?

The boot opened and Matthias, quick as lightning, cut the ropes around my ankles and pulled me out of the car by my bound wrists. I stumbled as my feet hit the ground and he roughly steadied me, dragging me around the car.

I looked over my shoulder to see Talon was receiving the same treatment as he too was dragged from the car. The bleach-haired vampire was back, he faced Talon glaring. He then punched Talon square in the face and then in the gut, which thanks to our blood-bond, sent me reeling and spluttering.

Matthias had to steady me once more, scowling. The bleach-haired vamp looked pleased to get back at Talon but immediately stepped back when Morgana sent him a death stare. Camille rolled her eyes and put her hands around Talon, dragging him along with her.

Morgana shot us both a look then which said: behave, and led the charge. With my magic blocked, I was powerless anyway.

Talon looked furious, his eyes a dark stormy grey as the blood-magic continued to tighten every now and again against his neck. I was grateful that mine had been retracted, remembering the pain of the sharp cutting tendrils against my skin.

We were led into Mansfield forest, trekking through the bush until we reached the familiar campsite.

I groaned internally. No matter how many times I escaped here, fate kept bringing me back.

We reached the dense part of the forest in which the trees blocked out any sunlight. I recognised the big bonfire and the surrounding tents, my stomach twisting uneasily.

"Welcome back." a voice announced regally and in mock sincerity as we were dragged up to face the man who spoke. Severus grinned wickedly at Talon and I.

"It's so nice to have you with us again," Seveus drawled as he appeared in front of me, his cold finger brushing a stray hair out of my face, I jerked away from his touch and he grabbed me by the chin.
"I see you haven't lost your fight. Good." he smirked, his brown eyes dancing. I saw Talon fight against his restraints and those that held him when Severus grabbed me.

Severus turned to face Talon then.

"And you. Trouble as always." He said, clicking his tongue before he backhanded him hard across the face. I felt the impact and gritted my teeth, I would have fallen over had Matthias not held me in a vice-like grip. Severus, having seen his strike also affect me, looked between Talon and I, apparently fascinated.

Morgana walked over to speak to Severus then, their voices too quiet for me to catch. I tried to lip read and managed to make out:

"-keep them there until tomorrow." he said before he gestured to the group holding Talon and I.

"You're coming with me, lover. We have some catching up to do." Camille breathedf, her face awfully close to his, her lips almost brushing his. Talon remained completely still, glaring intensely ahead and refusing to look at her.

Camille shot me one last smirk which made my blood boil and started walking away, another vampire roughly pushing Talon after her. I pulled against Matthias, wishing I had my powers so I could conjure fire to burn that smirk off Camille's beautiful face.

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