Chapter 12: Don't Let Your Guard Down

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Now sweetheart-" he started but I cut him off;

"Stay away from me you monster!" I quickly cast a protection spell;

"By this sphere I cast,
Protect me!"

The spell encased me in a protective sphere where no one could cross unless I willed it. I stumbled under the effort, my powers still not replenished.

"I'm not going to hurt you sweetheart" he said, raising his hands in a surrender motion.

I began to breathe heavier as I struggled to hold the protection spell in place; "Yeah sure you're not. I'm not stupid" I said through my teeth.

"What happened back there...I had to. Camille wouldn't have bought it otherwise." He said, stepping closer to me.

"You expect me to believe that was just an act?" I demanded incredulously. "You attacked me! You were going to-"

He motioned me to be quieter,

"Yes. I heard someone coming, I sensed it was Camille and I knew she would try something. I had to make her believe I really was holding you against your will...The fact you didn't know what was happening was probably why she bought it. The confusion and fear in your eyes..." He trailed off.

My resolve wavered slightly; was he telling the truth? I suppose that did make sense.

"So the whole 'she's mine' thing was just an act?" I asked slowly, watching Talon with guarded eyes, my protection spell still active.

"If I really wanted to hurt you, why would I have helped you in the first place? I could have compelled you to obey my commands and let me drink from you back at Tomasz'. I could have carried your unconscious body back here."

His words chilled my bones as images filled my mind of how differently the night could have ended.

"This is my tent. I brought you here so you can rest. Then you can do your cloaking spell and escape." He said, his blue eyes imploring mine to understand.

I searched for a sign that this too was an act, but I saw sincerity not falsehood in his eyes.
Why would he help me? The question raced through my mind over and over.

He offered no further explanation to his previous comment that he was helping me for his own selfish reasons. I looked into his piercing blue eyes and wondered what the hell to do.

For some reason, I felt in my gut that I should trust him. I really didn't have much choice at this point anyway.

I broke the protection spell and fell to my hands and knees, exhausted. I wouldn't have been able to hold it much longer anyway. This waning moon was proving to be quite a nuisance.

Content that the stalemate had been resolved, Talon had gone to start rummaging through his things.

I took a couple deep breaths in to steady my heart and breathing and pushed myself to my feet. I swayed a little and I grabbed the post acting as a supporting beam of the tent structure, to stop myself from falling again.

The tent was much bigger than I had first thought. Probably twice the size of Tomasz'. There were old books, clothes and other little things lying around. Talon had started playing a record on this antique looking record player. It played old fashioned music I didn't recognise.The music wasn't playing loud but it was loud enough that it covered our words in case someone walked past and heard us talking.

"Why am I here?" I asked, watching Talon move around the tent. I had a strong feeling I wouldn't like the answer. He stopped, blue eyes flicking to mine, jaw tight,

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