Chapter 38: Meet the Ravenswood's

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It was decided that we would go talk to Talon's parents. Maybe I wouldn't survive meeting the royal vampire rulers.

Maybe they'll just kill me and I won't have to worry about what Severus and Morgan have planned?

Ok so the thought of meeting Zara and Elias Ravenswood, the Vampire rulers of the country was terrifying. Especially because I was a witch, their enemy and yet blood-bound to their pureblood vampire son.

But as Talon kept reassuring me, they had answers we needed and might be able to help.

A couple days had passed since we had made it back from the camp. We were on edge, dreading another psychic attack that could come at any moment.

Severus and Morgan had said they had bigger plans than to just kill us. This plan clearly had a timeline, but they had given us no indication when this final part would be happening. This made me incredibly anxious, having nothing to do but wait around until this final phase came to fruition.

I had to focus on things I could control, like my Elemental magic. Unfortunately, Bridget was the only one who could tell me more and teach me. But she was on leave from the coven- she had told us she had urgent council business but that she would be back as soon as she could. Whether or not her sudden trip had something to do with my magic, or the current state of tension between the races, I had no idea.

There was something coming, everyone, my coven included, could feel it.

I had to find out more about my power. Me being an Elemental witch and Talon, a Pureblood, was integral to Severus' plan, Morgan had said as much.

Aliénor was the key, I could feel it. Talon had said his parents knew more about Aliénor than he did, she died shortly after he was born but wouldn't say anymore.

So Talon and I were in his car, his expensive vintage mustang, driving to the airport. I guess being part of the Royal family had many perks, expensive cars included.

It was May 2nd. I had made sure to stay and celebrate Samhain with my coven before Talon and I left. Being with my coven made me feel safe and I had no idea how long we would be gone for.

Talon and I had celebrated his actual birthday- which was making more sense now- perhaps Aliénor had drawn on the power of the Beltane sabbat to assist in whatever spell she cast that made Talon's birth possible- by spending the day with Al outside in the pool and playing cards in the drawing room, no mention of Severus or Morgan allowed. It had been so nice, so normal.

Who knows if I'll even live to my next birthday I thought, depressingly as Talon sped along the freeway, following the signs to the airport.

My birthday was June 19th. Would Severus and Morgan's final master plan be in play before then? Talon, who must have sensed my melancholy mood, reached over and squeezed my hand reassuringly. One day at a time, I reminded myself.

We were taking a plane up North. The Ravenswood family estate was in the northern part of the country, away from the tourist areas and populated suburbs.

I had taken time off work, not sure when I would be back. Life and death situations really put things into perspective: who really cares about work and masters applications when you could potentially die any day now.

Although, I suppose that's the whole point of life- live each day like it's your last, my mind reasoned. The sentiment hit me hard now that I was living off borrowed time, as Severus had so kindly put it.

I had told Ava I was going with Talon to meet the Ravenswood family and first she had freaked.

"You should stay with the coven. Is getting involved with more vampires really going to help?" She'd said slapping me with her words. At first they had stung but I knew it was coming from a place of concern.

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