Chapter 50: What Goes Up, Must Come Down

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When I woke I had no concept of time.

My eyes fluttered open and I was in Talon's bed. My body felt heavy like it hadn't been used in a while.

"Talon?" I mumbled, trying to sit up.

"Hey." he said, appearing on the bed beside me. He looked better than he had in weeks. His blue eyes were bright and concerned.

"How do you feel?" He prompted, his brow furrowed. "I'm so sorry-" he started, sounding broken. I interrupted him by cupping his face with my hand.

"I'm fine. You can't get rid of me that easy." I said smiling. Talon looked torn and full of self-loathing.

"What day is it?" I asked instead, before he could suggest something crazy like we didn't belong together.

I tried to sit up and winced, my stomach tender.

I pulled back the sheets to see someone had changed me out of the clothes I'd been wearing which would have been covered in blood. I was in my pajamas, a gauze patch taped over my stomach where I had been stabbed. It felt ok though, considering. Talon had given me his blood which would have healed most of the wound. It didn't feel life-threatening anymore.

"Saturday. You've been out for 24 hours straight." Talon said, his eyes following my examination over myself.

His fingers gently touched my neck which was also covered in gauze. I instinctively flinched, expecting to feel pain but I didn't. A mix of emotions ran across his face but mostly he looked sad now.

I pushed the last of the haziness from my mind.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about-I-it was the only way-" I started to apologise. He was silent for a moment, his fingers running along my palm.

"I do not appreciate others going behind my back and being kept in the dark sweetheart..." Talon started, his voice dry.

"That was incredibly dangerous and stupid- to let my father-" The anger in him rose and I reached up to place my hands on either side of his face, making him stop and look at me.

"But I'm ok, it worked, didn't it? How do you feel?" I asked, trying to steer him away from his anger. He was silent for a moment.

"I feel...great. It's gone." Talon said, his eyes vulnerable.
"I could hear you. You were trying to reach me. I was fighting but it was like I had no control over my own body. I thought for sure I was going to kill you but then..." he trailed off, a look of wonder crossing his face.

"Then what?" I prompted, taking his hand in mine.

"Then, I felt them. Your God and Goddess. They were there, they helped me stop and fight it."he looked amazed. "It's gone for good, I can feel it."

Thank you, God and Goddess! I silently prayed, overjoyed they had listened to my prayer. It was extraordinary they had stepped in to help Talon and I. And I was eternally grateful.

I owe you everything. I pledged to the God and Goddess, wanting to cry with happiness.

"Does that mean I can do this?" I said throwing my arms around him and kissing him on the lips. He returned the kiss enthusiastically and I pulled him back onto the bed with me.

Before long we were both breathless. My stomach growled, ruining the moment and I sighed. Talon laughed.

"Come on, you shower and I'll get you some food." he promised, kissing me again. I smiled and I felt a huge weight had been lifted off our shoulders. We still had Severus and Morgan to deal with but this was a massive win.

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