Chapter 23: Blood-bound

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I woke up late the next morning. I still felt awful. I forced myself to get out of bed and check on Ava. She was in the same boat as me. We agreed to not drink that much again, both groaning. I got us some more water and pain killers and went back to sleep.

By 1:00pm I had slept off my hangover. With my head finally clear, all of last night came back in flashes. I mentally slapped myself, appalled at my drunk self. Stupid and reckless, my inner voice agreed.

Did I really salute Talon? Goddess, how embarrassing. Then I remembered what he said. I went searching for my leather jacket which I found lying on the floor next to the bed. I checked the pocket and found a small folded piece of paper. I unfolded and read it:

152 Crestwick Lane it said in old-fashioned cursive.

Leina, it's a terrible idea to go. The voice at the back of my head warned, but I wanted to know more. If I could learn more about the Children of the Night then I could learn to better defend myself and those I love. That's the reason I told myself I was going.

I showered and got dressed. I opted for a grey patterned summer dress, my blue denim jacket and my docs. I ate some lunch and brought some up for Ava who was still in bed.

"You're dressed looking like you have somewhere to be." Ava said, jealous I had slept my hangover off faster than her.

"I've just got to run into work to see Lucy" I lied. I felt terrible for lying but I wanted to see this through before I told Ava. She would definitely talk me out of going. But this was my chance to know more. After all we'd been through, I trusted Talon, I realised.
And I was sick of being attacked by vampires.

"Ok, but we still have to talk about what happened last night!" Ava called out as I nodded and waved goodbye;

"Yes, I promise we will. I just have to do this first!" I called back to her. I gave Cleo a scratch behind her ears and got into my car.

I entered the address into my phone's GPS. It was a relief to have my phone back. The GPS said it would take 20 minutes to drive to the address. As I drove, the directions took me off the main road and into the thick of the forest. I started having second thoughts as I drove closer. There didn't seem to be any other houses around.

You can still turn back, my inner voice suggested, but I pushed it aside.

I took the turn off onto a side road that led even deeper into the forest. The road veered around the left and a massive house appeared. My mouth fell open.

It was gorgeous. It looked like a small mansion straight out of the nineteenth century. I pulled up outside and turned the car off. As I got out I looked up at the afternoon sun. It wasn't going to be much help, it wouldn't affect Talon if I wanted to make a run for it.

I pushed my apprehension aside and marched up to the door. I felt like a criminal, like I was doing something illegal. In the eyes of the Witches' Council, I am. I looked around nervously, as if a spy was watching me. No-one was around. The birds chirped happily and the sun shone through the branches.

I knocked on the beautiful antique door and stood waiting. I was almost convinced Talon had pranked me and given me the wrong address, but my tattoo tingling and a psychic sensation which was becoming familiar, let me know he was here.

The door opened and Talon was on the other side. He opened the door and stood aside, his blue eyes meeting mine. My heart jumped at the sight of him. He was dressed all in black, as usual and wore an unreadable expression. Before I lost my resolve I marched on in, having to brush past him, which he smirked at.

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