Chapter 19: Pick Up the Pieces

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I was enjoying the feeling of the warm sun and cool, summer breeze on my face and the feel of the grass against my skin. I could hear the birds chirping and the sounds of the world alive around me. I didn't know where I was or how I got here, but this was paradise.

I could stay here forever, I thought. There was something scratching in the back of my mind, like there was something I needed to remember...something important. That's when a musical voice caught my attention:

"Leina, open your eyes!" My eyes fluttered open and I sat up to see a beautiful woman in a white flowing gown, her dark brown hair with flowers threaded through it, came to her waist. A glowing light seemed to emanate from her. She was ethereal no doubt, and I suddenly realised only who it could be.

I quickly bowed my head in respect to the Goddess but couldn't find words to speak.

The Goddess' fingers lifted my chin so my gaze met hers. I couldn't breathe, she was beautiful, like magic itself.

"Am I dead?" I whispered, overwhelmed. She laughed softly and replied;

"No, my child...But what is done cannot be undone." she finished in a serious tone.

It all came crashing down; memories flashed before my eyes as I remembered: the vampires, the camp, Talon...our plan.

Was the goddess angry at me for trusting him? Disgusted that I had put my life in his hands- given him my blood...the blood of the Goddess?

"I'm sorry...I didn't know what to do-" I started frantically trying to apologise.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," She said, and I could see no disgust or anger in her eyes, just concern. "But you two have opened a door that cannot be closed" the Goddess spoke, her eyes glimmering.

"What does that mean?-" I beseeched her to explain but she just continued on, offering no explanation to her cryptic words.
"You two are now bound forever. You will have much to face and you must stand by each other."

"Wait Talon and I?-How-What do you mean?-" I implored but the goddess and the beautiful summerland was fading away, until I met darkness once more.


"Leina! Oh Goddess, I think she's waking up!", "Leina! Can you hear me?", "Give her space!"

The voices started muffled and became more and more distinct until finally I could hear the voices of my friends clearly.

I opened my eyes slowly, squinting while the room slowly came into focus. My whole body felt numb, unused for days.

"Hey g-" I started and was interrupted by a bear hug from Ava. I hugged her back, relief washing over me, tears threatening to come. I never thought I would see her again, or any of my friends.

I was lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by members of my coven. Unconsciously, my eyes searched the room for a certain vampire, but he was nowhere to be found. My heart sank which made no sense.

You're alive, that's the main thing.

"I'm so glad you're ok, we were really worried." Tyler jumped in, grabbing my hand and squeezing it, diverting my thoughts from Talon. I smiled at him, I had missed him.

"What happened?" I asked, trying to work out how I had ended up here.

"We'd been trying to find you for days after you disappeared with the Children of the Night, no locator spell would work...and then suddenly it did, and we traced you here." Bridget said, her eyes meeting mine. Her eyebrows raised slightly, she seemed to know something was up.
"You had already been admitted with two humans."

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