Chapter 17: Masked

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I woke up again with a start but this time I wasn't alone in my prison.

I stood bolt upright to face the enemy. Severus had marched in and cleared his throat to get my attention.

My heart raced, did he know Morgan had been here? Was our plan already found out? His demeanor did not show as such. He seemed frustrated and annoyed but not livid as he surely would have been if he'd found Morgan to be a traitor in his midst.

"I am only going to ask this once, girl. Why was Talon attempting to help you escape?" Severus asked, his dark eyes intense, demanding an answer from me.

I internally sighed in relief- our plan was safe for now.

"He was helping you escape, was he not?" Severus growled, coming to stand a couple feet from me.
"What is his plan?" Severus continued, grabbing my shoulder roughly and forcing me to look into his eyes.

"I have no idea. He was just trying to get me for himself I presume." I said, gritting my teeth but standing my ground. Severus continued to grip my shoulders tightly, searching for the truth in my eyes. I wasn't lying. I had no idea what Talon's true motive was for helping me. I had known he was a Ravenswood long before these guys found out but I didn't feel up to sharing this bit of information. They would surely drag me away, torture and interrogate me.

Play ignorant. The less they think you know, the better. My gut told me. I obliged.

"I don't know why a disgusting bloodsucker would help me- I'd kill him myself if I had the chance!" I said, putting as much venom and disgust into my voice as possible. Severus' dark brown eyes narrowed and I continued;

"You can't hold me here. The Witches High Council will come after you- you're breaking the law-" I threatened, letting my words tumble out in a rush. I didn't actually know much about the rules of vampires holding witches against their will but I knew the consequences would be bad. Severus laughed and released me, stepping back slightly.

"Your Witches Council-" he spat, " have refused our terms...seems they need some extra encouragement." He continued, his voice smooth and alluring as he brushed some of my hair out of my face.
"Perhaps I will start sending body parts..." he said, running his finger under my chin in the same alluring voice like he was proposing dinner. I recoiled at his touch in horror.

"Don't touch me!- I don't want anything to do with you monsters!-" I yelled.

Severus swiftly grabbed me by the hair and yanked my head back making me cry out. His eyes had turned black, enraged at my outburst. For a minute I thought he would tear my throat out but his fury simmered away before my eyes.

"Watch your words child. You are not in a position to offend anyone now." Severus drawled, a sadistic smile crept over his lips as he gave my hair one last yank before releasing me.

He turned to motion to Matthias who had been standing at the door of the tent. Matthias nodded in respect and disappeared for a second. When he returned he and another vampire dragged Talon in by the arms and dropped him unceremoniously on the ground. He was barely recognisable, a bloody mess and seemingly unconscious.

They roughly propped him up against the sister beam to the one I was chained to. They pulled his arms around his back and tied rope around his wrists. Talon stirred and groaned, there was a hissing sound as the rope seemed to burn into his wrists.

"Now, you two play nice," Severus stepped into my personal space again and spoke his next words from my side, I could feel his breath on my neck
"I wouldn't get too close to him, he's had a taxing night." I held my breath, willing myself to not shrink away. Severus grabbed my wrist, the one he had cut to drink from and stopped short.

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