Chapter 47: A Desperate Proposition

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The rest of dinner passed by mostly uneventfully. Though, Elias kept shooting Talon and I weighty looks which made me think he really did know something had happened today.

Talon, exhausted from today's saga, fell asleep almost instantly when we returned to his room. I smiled and kissed him on his cheek. He looked so vulnerable, so far from the monster that had taken over when he had a blood-rage episode.

I needed to find a way to help him, fast. That was why I slipped into the bathroom, not wanting to disturb Talon, and made three calls.

First, I tried calling Bridget. No answer. I didn't think texting: "Hey Bridget, can you help me with this Fifteenth century prophecy that may or may not be about me being an Elemental witch and my pureblood vampire boyfriend?" was very smart. So instead I sent:

"Hey Bridget,
Can you please call me back ASAP, it's important.
Thanks x"

The only other people whom I trusted with my life and knew about Talon and I, were Ava and Al.

I called Ava first. She answered on the first ring:

"Leina! Oh my Goddess, how are you? What's it like living in a palace? What are they like?-" Ava babbled in a rush. I laughed and had to cut her off. I felt bad for not calling sooner, I had been a little preoccupied with everything and only sent her brief texts to reassure her I was ok.

"Slow down haha! Sorry for not calling sooner, a lot has happened..." I said before recounting the past three days to her. I did decidedly leave out Talon's blood-rage though, I knew she would freak and demand I come home.

"I need your help. Can you please have a look through all your witchcraft books and see if there is any reference to Morgan or this prophecy?- But you can't tell anyone! Please?" I asked, wishing I could be there to hug my best friend and search with her.

"Of course." she said at once and then sighed.

"And I know there's something you're not telling me Leina. I'm trusting that whatever it is you have it under control." Ava said warning and concern in her voice. I never was any good at lying to her.

"Yes, I have it under control." I half-lied, my fingers crossed. "I gotta go, I'll talk to you soon, love you." I said quickly, hoping to skate past the lie before she could call me out and demand I explain what was happening.

"Love you too, stay safe!" She told me before I hung up.

Ok, one down, one to go. I thought.

I turned the shower on then, and went to stand next to it, wanting to make sure my conversation was entirely private. I didn't want Talon to overhear. I didn't know how he would feel about me going behind his back. But I saw no other choice.

Al answered on the first ring too.

"Leina? What's wrong?" Al asked, his voice worried. I laughed nervously which made him relax a little but probably become suspicious.

"Hey Al. Um...I need your help." I started, biting my lip. I didn't know how to ask this.

"Does Talon know you're calling me?" He asked, catching on fast.

"No, it's Talon I need to talk to you about..." I took a deep breath, "I know about his blood-rage sickness" I said and he swore.

"Is it back?" was all he said, his voice now full of anxiety.

"I don't know. Yes? Maybe? Today we were out riding, and long story short- I got cut and was bleeding...he transformed before my eyes. He was unreachable and savage." My voice wavered, tears threatening to fall. I clearly hadn't emotionally dealt with everything that had happened today yet.

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