Chapter 18: The Plan in Motion

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I stood up abruptly, my heart was racing, my mind was frantic trying to work through what had just been said.

"You need to drink my blood?" I said, dread in my stomach, as I looked at Talon already knowing the answer.

All the memories of Lance attacking me and all the times a vampire had drunk my blood washed over me, threatening to pull me under. I closed my eyes, running my hands through my hair trying to not freak out. I paced around the tent, not daring to look at Talon.

I knew it was too good to be true. Stupid Leina for having hope.

"Sweetheart just listen for a moment-" Talon started in his British accent, urging me to calm down but I couldn't hold his gaze. I returned to my pacing.

"Look I know I said last night- that you could drink my blood instead of the woman's but I- that was-" I stammered out hating that my voice shook. Turns out all you need to do is talk about drinking my blood and Leina flees to the hills.

I wondered if I was suffering PTSD from the many times I'd been attacked by vampires in the past several days.

"Leina, listen to me." Talon using my actual name, snapped me out of my inner turmoil to look at him.
"I'm not doing anything you don't agree to." He looked for understanding in my expression, finally I nodded, trying to calm down. I sat down again leaning against my beam for support, trying to breathe normally.

You're being ridiculous Leina! You'll conjure the elements and lead vampires away to save your friends but now you freak out when one is calmly discussing drinking your blood. Goddess, pull yourself together. I forced myself to bring my eyes to meet his dark ones.

"The way I see it- we have two options," Talon started softly, wincing as he readjusted his bound hands.
"We can stay here like sitting ducks and wait for Severus to do whatever it is he is planning to do- which won't be pleasant..." I swallowed, thinking about my coven being mailed my finger, and nodded to show I was keeping up.
"Or...we can trust each other." I nodded again.

I did not want to wait around here at Severus' mercy. I needed to get the hell out of here.

"What would the plan be exactly?" I said, glad that my voice had stopped shaking pathetically.

When Talon was sure I wasn't going to go into hysterics he continued slowly:

"You untie my hands. I drink enough of your blood to regain my strength, the magic in your blood will break down the mask faster than any human's would, then I break that magic shackle off your ankle and we escape."

"How much would you need to drink?" I asked, looking down as I couldn't meet his dark eyes.

There was a moment of thought before he replied-
"A would pass out from the blood loss-" I interrupted before he could continue.

"Will you be able to stop though? I saw you last night, you were crazed!" I said pointedly.

"You're going to have to trust me" He said, in a low, almost sad voice, a weight which showed he knew what he was asking me. I looked into his dark eyes, trying to see his heart, looking for any sign I could trust his words.

This is insane. Am I really going to trust a vampire to do this?

You deserve to die for being this stupid the voice mocked.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, I decided.

"Ok...but how will this time be any different than the last times we attempted to escape? Neither were really successful" I countered, meeting his eyes steadily.

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