Getting back together

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Jeff the Killer
It's been a week since you guys broke up and he's been a mess, "Dude just go over there" Ben told him. "No, he hates me" Jeff sighed. "You wouldn't know till you go over there. Get cleaned up" Ben pestered. "Just go away" Jeff sighed. "Don't make me get Slender" Ben threatened. Jeff sighed in annoyance, "fine fine, I'm going" getting up to get cleaned up. He went over to your house about to open the front door when he stopped, "I'll go through the window instead" he said and climbed up to your bedroom window before climbing in. The room was dark, "Shit where's the damn switch" he grumbled, feeling the wall for the light. The light came on making him freeze, you were standing there. "I have a door you know" you rolled your eyes. He remained quiet making you raise an eyebrow. "I'm sorry" he muttered, sad. "I'm sorry too. Let's not fight anymore" you said making him now and hug you, glad you took him back.

Ben Drowned
You were in the kitchen when you felt someone in your house. You entered the living room to see Ben standing there with his head down, bloody tears dripping on the ground. "Ben?" You rose an eyebrow. He lifted his head, more bloody tears running down his cheeks, "(M/N), please I'm sorry, please take me back" he begged. "Promise never to cheat on me again?" You asked. He nodded rapidly. "Fine, I forgive you. Just never do that again" you said and opened your arms making him ran into them.

Eyeless Jack
EJ felt bad, after he asked your sister and confirmed the truth he was guilty. He went over to your house to see you watching TV. "EJ? What are you doing here?" You asked. "I'm sorry (M/N), I should have believed you from the start" he whispered sadly. You smiled slightly, "I wouldn't lie to you EJ, you know that" you spoke. "True, I'm sorry" he apologized. "I forgive you, I missed you" you cooed. He entered the house and you guys made out ;-)

Laughing Jack
You were at his circus, wanting to end this fight and get your baby back. You entered his tent, hearing his whimpering. "LJ?" You spoke up. His head perked up, his make-up running. "Baby?" He whimpered. "I'm sorry baby, I missed you" you said. He jumped hurriedly and run into your arms. "(M/N) I missed you too~" he purred. "Let's make up~" you cooed and pulled him to his bed, making up with her baby again ;-)

Masky and Hoodie
You were watching TV when your TV glitched making you sigh. "Ben!" You growled. Ben popped his head through the TV and laughed slightly. "Sorry dude just making a drop off" he said before pushing Masky and Hoodie through the TV and leaving, your program continuing. You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes. " Finally back from fucking Jane so soon" you growled. "(M/N) we're sorry" Masky said. "P-please forgive us" Hoodie pleaded. "Oh we forgive you" you smirked and your clone appeared. "But that doesn't mean we won't punish you~" you clone cooed making them shiver. Your clone grabbed Masky and you grabbed Hoodie, chuckling at the evil intentions you had for your babies.

Ticci Toby
Since your break up, Toby had been a mess. He trashed his room and part of the mansion, having uncontrollable ticks and twitches. Your phone rang, "hello?" You spoke. "Dude, you need to take Toby back. He's trashing the place" Jeff said. "And why should I?" You asked. "We're afraid he's going to hurt himself or someone else" Jeff said. "Fine I'll be there in a sec" you said and hung up. You appeared in the mansion to see it a mess. "Dude please take him back" Ben pleaded icing his bruised eye. "We'll see" you said going upstairs to his room which was also a mess. He was twitching in the corner, mumbling to himself. "Toby" you spoke up. He snapped to your direction and ran to you. "(M/N) I'm sorry *tick* p-please forgive me" he begged, kneeling in front of you, holding onto your waist. "Never cheat on me again" you told him. He nodded rapidly. "Good let's clean this place up" you said. He smiled, happy to have you back

You took him back after a while of begging but of course he was under punishment. He was currently scrubbing the ground in a maids outfit with a vibrator up his ass and a cock ring on his dick. "Missed a spot babe" you laughed as he moaned and scrubbed, still glad you took him back.

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