You meet your Ex

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Seme female reader
You and Slenda were watching TV went the door bell rang. "Are you expecting someone honey?" Slenda asked. "Nope, I'll go see who it is" you answered and got up. You opened the door only to frown when you saw your ex, Stacy. "What do you want Stacy?" You growled. Stacy was another demon you used to date, she was a slut and completely unladylike unlike your wife, Slenda. "Come on (Y/N), aren't you happy to see me. It's been a while~" she cooed. "Darling, who's this?" Slenda asked, coming to the door. "Slenda this is Stacy, my ex. Stacy, this is Slenda, my wife" you introduced. "So you moved on huh, I thought we had something special." She pouted. "Well we didn't. I'd appreciate if you don't bother me again." You growled. "Fine, I'll just go fuck someone else." She scoffed and left making you close the door. "I'm sorry you had to witness that love" you apologized. "It's ok (Y/N). I love you" she cooed. "I love you more" you smiled and kissed her.

Jess the killer
You and Jess were coming out of a movie when you stopped and growled, seeing some you hated. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" Jess asked. "Lisa's here" you growled. "Lisa?" She asked. "My ex" you responded. "Oh" she said. Lisa noticed you and smiled, walking towards you. "(Y/N)!!!! Oh my God it's great seeing you again~" she purred. "It's not good seeing you" you growled. "Come on (Y/N), I know you miss me~" she cooed. "No I do not, I'm with someone better" you said. "Who her? Come on (Y/N), you can do better than her. Come back with me~" she purred, holding onto your arm. Jess growled and ripped her off, "listen here slut. (Y/N) is mine. I suggest you fuck off before I make you" Jess growled. Lisa squeaked and ran away making you chuckle. "That was hot babe~" you cooed, hugging her. "Yeah, whatever" she huffed and blushed. You kissed her and smirked, grabbing her hand and going home.

Benny Drowned
"Hi (Y/N)" a voice said behind you. You turned to see Jessy, your ex. "Oh hi Jessy, been a while" you smiled slightly. "Yeah" she blushed. "Hey babe" Benny said, coming back with your drink. "Hey love. Benny this is my ex, Jessy." You introduced. Benny faked a smile which Jessy returned. "So what brings you here Jessy?" You asked. "I was actually wondering if you wanted to get back together, buy seems you moved on" she pouted. "We agreed to break up Jessy" you said. "No, you know I wasn't serious about it!" She screamed. "Well I was, let's go Benny" you growled and walked away with Benny. Benny hugged you and kissed your cheek, "love you (Y/N)" "love you more babe"

Eyeless Jax
"Nice going baby" you smiled and handed Jax your hoodie. She was covered in blood from her kill so you have her your hoodie to cover it up. "Thanks (Y/N)" she smiled. "You know the rule, take it off" you told her and stretched out your hand. She sighed and pulled off her mask, handing it to you. You snapped your fingers and made it disappear to your house. "You are so sexy, why do you cover your face" you cooed and pulled her close. She blushed brightly and kissed you, holding onto you. Someone cleared their throat making you both pull away. You looked to see your ex, Stephanie. "What do you want Stephanie?" You growled. "Come on (Y/N), I've been so lonely without you~" she moaned, coming close to you. "Shut up you whore, you know we broke up cuz you can't keep your fucking legs closed" you snapped. "I'll change~, none of them were as good as you~. Who's that?" She asked. "Her new and loyal girlfriend" Jax answered. "Oh please, (Y/N) is probably just using you to make me jealous. You've done well, we can get back together now" Stephanie laughed. You chuckled, "you're right, what was I thinking?" You cooed and walked towards Stephanie. Jax watched with tears in her eyes as you walked back to your ex. "That's better, let's go back home~" she cooed. "Indeed" you whispered and hugged her only to stab her in the stomach. She hunched in pain as you twisted the dagger. "Back home to hell, later bitch" you whispered as she collapsed, dead. You turned back to Jax who sighed in relief, "don't scare me like that" she whispered. "You didn't really think I was going to leave you. Have more faith in me love" you cooed and hugged her. "Ok (Y/N)" she smiled and kissed you.

Laughing Jackie
You and Jackie were taking at another carnival. "Can we go on this ride, please" Jackie begged. "Ok ok" you chuckled. "So pathetic" someone growled. You turned and saw, Jasmine, the whore you used to date. "Why are you here bitch?" You growled. "Can't I enjoy a nice carnival day too" she pouted. "Whatever just fuck off" you growled. "Come on (Y/N), you can't still be mad at me" she pouted. "Of course, you fucking cheated on me you whore." You snapped. "But that was a long time ago. I've changed" she said. "Yeah right, I'm outta here." You growled. Jackie ran after you after flipping Jasmine off. "We can go home if you want (Y/N)" Jackie told you. "No it's fine, let's go on the ride you want" you said. "How about we go home and I show you a good time~ to get your mind off things~" she whispered. "I'll take it~" you cooed and dragged her home.

You and Mia were taking a stroll downtown, enjoying the breeze. "(Y/N)!" Someone yelled. A voice you knew all to well. "Oh hello Elizabeth" you muttered. "You don't sound happy to see me" she pouted. "Of course not" you said. "Come on, you have a new whore I see" she scoffed. "Mia is not a whore, you are" you growled. "It's just a matter of time before you get bored of her like you did me" she scoffed. "That's not true, (Y/N) loves me" Mia snapped. "Keep believing that bitch" she said. Mia snapped and jumped on her, punching her repeatedly. "Hey! Get off me you psycho!" She yelled. You watched for a bit before pulling Mia off. "it's been fun watching my girl beat the shit out of you but I have places to be. Let's go babe" you laughed and pulled Mia away. Elizabeth got up and ran away, crying. "Nice job baby" you commented. She smiled and blushed.

Holly was currently bearing the shit out of your ex who tried to kiss you. You sat back on a bench, amused as you watched the scene unfold. "(Y/N) is mine bitch!" Holly yelled and punched her more. Your ex, Janet, was soon unconscious making you pull Holly off her. "Well that was hot, good thing no one was around" you cooed. "I'm s-sorry, I just d-didn't like w-w-when she touched you" she muttered. You kissed her, holding her close. "Seeing you knock her out made turned me on~ let's go home~" you cooed making her blush and swallow hard.

Ticci Tami
"What the fuck, Suzy!" You yelled. Suzy, your ex, crashed your date with Tami, spilling your drink on Tami by 'accident'. "Oh come on it was just soda" she scoffed and flipped her hair. "What the fuck do you want anyways?" You growled. "I want you back~" she cooed. "I'm not interested you shameless whore, keep your stank pussy to yourself" you growled. "How dare you!" She screamed. "I'm telling the truth, why do you think I never had sex with you. I don't want any germs" you shrugged. She blushed in embarrassement and stormed off. "Sorry about that love, you ok?" You asked and handed her some tissues. "Y-yeah *tick* I'm f-fine" she said and wiped herself off.

"(Y/N), come back to me~" your ex, Sally, cooed. "No bitch, I'm not interested. I have a new girlfriend" you scoffed. "Who? Her?" Sally scoffed. "Say that to me again bitch!" Offenda snapped. "Fight me!" Sally challenged. Oh and she did, it didn't end well for Sally.

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