Yandere! Jason the Toymaker x Puppeteer's sister reader

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3rd Person's POV

Puppeteer had always been protective of you, you were his only family after all. He decided it was best not to move into the CP mansion because he didn't want you getting in harm's way so he got a house in the woods, away from the public eye. You couldn't do much without Puppeteer talking your ear off on how unsafe it was, you weren't even that much younger than him; only two years.

"Geez, I get it, bro. I'll be fine. It's just one date" you sighed. You had a boyfriend, a human one, Jeremy was his name. Though Pup hated the thought of it, he allowed it, feeling it was safer for you to date someone you could easily kill than someone who might give you a hard time.

"I know but I'll never forgive myself if something happens to you, you know that" he sighed. You smiled at him, "Relax brother, I'll take care of myself. I promise" To Puppeteer, you were innocent and defenseless, probably needing him in case you're up against someone. That's where he's wrong, you only portrayed as defenseless so he could have an ego boost for having to protect you. Your powers were a little different from his, while he could bring forth yellow string, you could bring forth metal chains. Pretty cool, huh?

Anyways, you were on your way back from your date when you felt you were being followed, "bad idea, human" you grumbled under your breath and kept walking. You felt whoever it was getting closer so you spun around, nothing. That's odd. Shrugging it off, you continued home.

Jason's POV

"There she is, my soon-to-be bride~ I'll make you mine soon, my love~ and then we'll be together forever~" I sang, watching her walk home.


"Hey, bro?" you called out.

"Yeah sis, what's up?"

"You didn't...do anything to Jeremy, right?"

"I promised you I wouldn't unless I have to so no. Why?"

"I haven't seen him in like a week and I'm getting worried" you replied, sipping your drink.

"I swear if he's cheating" Puppeeter grumbled. You shook your head, "he's not. I'm just concerned, maybe I should go and look for him"

"Alright but be careful and be home by 8 p.m." He instructed.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." you huffed and left. You left and walked around, it was still early so you had a lot of time. By 5 p.m., you were frustrated, "Ugh! Where is he?!" you sighed, sitting on an empty bench. Your phone vibrated with a text, it was Jeremy. Babe! Could you come over to my place, please? I just got home

"That's weird, why didn't he say anything before?" you sighed but got up to leave. His house was a ten-minute walk from where you were so you reached in no time and knocked, no answer.

"I thought he said he was home?" The door was unlocked so you let yourself in, the house was dark and you could sense it was a mess.

"What is going on over here?" you grumbled, before finding a light switch to turn on. The site before you made you scream, Jeremy was dead on the floor, blood everywhere from his obvious wounds. You covered your mouth as you backed up, ready to flee the scene when you bumped into a hard chest. Your blood ran cold as whoever did this to Jeremy stood behind you, "Hello, my love~" the person giggled. You jumped away, creating distance between you both.

"Who the fuck are you?!" you snapped. "Don't worry~ soon we'll be together forever~" he sang and jumped at you. You didn't react on time and the person knocked you out, bright red hair was the last thing you saw before you blacked out

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