Divide and Rule

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Danny and the rest of the boys had been celebrating the success of pulling Lucas out of the way. He had been a greater threat to our lawsuit than his murderous father, because of the secret clients he had as a druglord. Our second hearing would be the final hearing, probably. The case would surely go into trial after that. Schmitten clearly didn't get any upper hand in this case. Even with so much of money, he had been rejected by many lawyers to handle this case. He didn't have a family lawyer, anymore. That's what happens to a publicly egoistic person. Such a person should suffer his own consequences. There's no shame in hating one's rapist! I didn't feel like being guilty at his suffering.

The last few days of the week had been the most painful for me. The blisters are turning hard, now. Some nights, I quivered and groaned in my sleep and would wake up to Danny's arms, wrapped around me. Darcey took so much care of me. I could not imagine a life without her. I missed her so much those few months at Cherie Girls. The guest room was always filled with merriment and laughter, never leaving me alone for a moment. Uncle, Danny, Darcey and the guards and sometimes, Roberto too, would create such joyful chaos in front of me, entertaining me with their silly jokes and dance moves. I could now put some pressure on my legs, for Danny would help me walk with baby steps and would pick me up, when pain struck my joints and I fell into his arms. Such an amazing boyfriend!

Danny pointed me out once, amongst the chaos, Darcey and Travis had grown quite close. They would spend the time which Danny spared her by keeping me busy, together. I liked the chemistry growing between them. Darcey had similarities in her facial feature with me and she was a blondie, too. Though Travis was a native Frenchman, he had a Mexican maternal background. So, he had dark hair and big round eyes, stereotypical to Mexicans.

These are security information I had to ask uncle, because I wanted to be sure if Travis was a safe person to get involved with, emotionally

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These are security information I had to ask uncle, because I wanted to be sure if Travis was a safe person to get involved with, emotionally. Darcey was a smart and heedful woman, but when it came to emotions, we, women, are definitely weaker. Also, she isn't trained in physical defence and weapon handling like me. I didn't want her to get into any kind of trouble, once she gets attached to that man. Last night, when Danny pulled me up the balcony to make out, we spotted them in the backyard gazebo, holding hands. I didn't want to intrude in her life, since I knew her very well. I wouldn't have to ask her anything. She will share her feelings, once she's sure about it, herself. After all, nobody would escalate into a relationship, as fast as us! It's just a couple of months, now, that we have been hanging out, together. There was still a lot for me to know about his family in India. I wondered if he shared about his identity to uncle.

Due to my limited mobility, I have been able to sit back and observe people and their behaviours, in the last couple of weeks. Ever since the meeting with Lucas, Roberto and uncle would stay busy with all the paperwork and evidences. I had been watching uncle working his ass off on his computer with his headsets on, the last three days. I wondered what he had been up to. He even went out, without any of his guards, in disguise.

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