Darcey Dabrowski

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My eyes opened into a daze. Severe ache in my head and legs travelled throughout my body, preventing me from any movement. A worried face appeared in front of me.

"She woke up! Oh, sweetheart, why did you have to blow up the place like that?"

I tried to speak, but my mouth was dry like a desert. There's too much going in my mind, but I was unable to coordinate with my body. I looked at the nurses surrounding me and checking my vitals. I was at my uncle's place, but he turned his guest room into a mini hospital. I could spot a new face, sitting at a distance, but my sight was blurry. The doctor looked at me.

"She is not stable, yet. She--"

Darkness spread in front of my eyes and the beeps soon faded away.

I gained some stability and consciousness dawned on me. Slowly gaining my sight, I saw Danny sitting beside me. I could finally move my mouth and hands. He squeezed my hands gently, while kissing them. I groaned out a few words, with much struggle.

"What happened?"

"You lost blew up the factory fuel storage and we found you unconscious around the factory's dumping exit. We called up an ambulance and brought you at your uncle's place."

Uncle spoke from behind, "Admitting you in a hospital after today's encounter would have been the most reckless decision, my child."

A white, young blondie sheepishly walked up to me and her lips curled into a very familiar smile, "Lou! I'm so happy to see you alive!"

"Oh my God, Darcey? When did you come?"

Suddenly, all my pain vanished and I slowly sat up on my bed. She rushed towards me to pull me up. Danny stood up and was about to leave us.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Umm.. I guess it's a girly reunion procedure going on here. So, I thought we should leave you too alone?"

Everyone else laughed at his statement. Uncle patted his back and said, "Come on boy, let's have a smoke outside and let them flourish the feminine bond."

"Get lost, old man."

"Take care, my child. Come boys!"

We chuckled and held hands.

"Oh, Lou, I missed you so much. Trust me, I almost fainted at the news. I had to meet you, but yesterday old man wasn't at home and today, I had to see you in this condition. I thought I lost you once more."

"I'm here now. All yours, darling."

"What happened to you in the past few months?"

"That's a long story. Just know that I had been working as a hooker and searched for the perfect moment to escape and take revenge."

"On Don Schmitten?"

"On the entire Alarie family! Fucking bastards!"

"What do you know about them?"

"They shot down my mumma papa in front of me! That father and son raped me alongwith their other men! After killing them and leaving out to die, they occupied my papa's empire. What else do I need to know about them?"

"So, you are a witness and victim both. Hmm. I have to--"

The door opened and all the men entered the room. Danny walked up to me and sat beside me. Darcey snapped at uncle, "I thought knocking at doors before entering was considered as a social etiquette!"

"I am sorry, my child. Do you want us to leave?"

I squeezed Darcey's hand. Uncle sat on the couch and the other men took their positions. Darcey turned to face me.

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