Abduction (partly Danny)

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My eyes opened into a dimly-lit room, full of cartons and packaging material, scattered across the room. It looked like a warehouse full of goods. Just a limited beam of sunlight hit the floor from some holes and cracks. Oh, my head, it hurts! Suddenly, everything came to me about last night! My hands are tied with an iron chain! Oh, no! I have been abducted! I tried to move and a wave of intense pain struck my left shoulder. Shit! I was wounded, last night, but someone did dressing on my wound. What the fuck was going on! Where is Louise? She must be abducted too! I needed to get out of here, as soon as possible, and find her. I was even stripped off my clothes. The boots, my gold chain, my ear piece and my watch. How would my team track me down? Most important was what did they do to Louise? My mind raced into horrific imaginations and overflowed with questions. I closed my eyes and tried meditating to calm my mind and concentrate on the situation. After a few minutes, I could hear footsteps and men talking, echoing through the warehouse. I stressed on the sounds and could finally listen to them.

Man 1: Yes, boss, we have him tied inside.

Man 2: Is he alive?

Man 3: He was breathing, when we brought him. He is wounded and lost some blood.

Man 2: You shot him! You know very well, he won't pay us a single penny, if he dies!

Man 1: I dressed his wound and pulled out the bullet. I don't see a problem with that.

Man 2: He is needed alive and in his senses! Go and check, if he gained consciousness!

So, they're the new men Schmitten had hired to spy on me. Footsteps approached me. I pretended to stay unconsciously tied on the chair, hanging my head loose. A man approached me and picked up my head. I kept my eyes still and muscles relaxed. My pulses were checked, which was relaxed much after the meditation. He walked away. I concentrated on their conversation, again.

Man 1: He is still unconscious. Pulse is better now.

Man 2: If he doesn't gain consciousness, we can't feed him. Bring some glucose infusion. He needs to be fed.

Man 3: Don Schmitten is stuck in business. He would visit as soon as he gets free.

Man 2: Keep him on IV fluids till then. We need him conscious and able to talk!

I guess staying unconscious would benefit me over here, till the time Schmitten arrives. He wants to extract information from me about Louise and what I had against him. They stripped me out of my stuffs and that's why, Gabriel couldn't reach me still. It's better to wait like this.

My head struck a terrible pain, when I gained consciousness to a familiar face.

"Oh, my child! I am so happy to see you wake up!"

"Ah! Where am I? What happened? I was ambushed and Danny.. Oh, no! Where's he?"

"Yes, they took him and apparently, stripped off the devices we installed on his clothes and accessories. The surveillance team last tracked him on the way to Marseille."

"Oh, God! He is in deep shit, right now! They took him to Schmitten and I am sure, he won't be kept at his usual nests! We need to find him, uncle! Ouch!"

"Easy, my child. My men are on the hunt. He would be alright. You should rest. That is a bad wound you got there! You need to heal fast, for which you need rest!"

"How do I rest knowing Danny's plight? I am hungry!"

"Oh, my child! You have grown up to be such a brave little woman. I didn't know my niece was this daring! I'm proud of you, my baby."

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