Secret Alliances

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Danny told me something which I would have never known, if dad was alive. Business expansion was never so easy, specially on such an international scale. A physician had visited me in the hotel, as instructed to the manager by Danny. The old guy checked my hand and couldn't suspect a fracture since I was able to sustain the pain and move my arm. He prescribed me some painkillers and put a band on my hand with anti-inflammation ointments, to reduce the swelling. I wondered, when did I ever become so violently angry? Eating disorders, violence, revenge, sex addicted! The trauma had got into my head, pretty bad. I'm fucked up! I felt good around Danny, safe and at home. Without him, all the overthinking hits me. I grabbed a cinnamon bun and a beer, I brought from the flight and tried to calm my nerves a bit. it's hardly been a week into the mission I had been planning since a year, and I'm already this anxious about the outcome. I had never planned to fall for a guy - atleast not Danny. He turned out to be the perfect combination of every quality I ever wanted in my dream partner. Should I allow myself to fall in love? The circumstances won't allow that right now. It's better to keep my feelings aside for a couple of months and focus on our next move. Ugh! I need a hot shower. I had so much going on in my mind, which could be washed out with a hot shower and some dessert. Fiddling into my phone, I found some old photos in my backup drive. Family pictures with me smiling in them. Pictures of me with my cousins on my birthday last year. Pictures of dad and mom on their romantic tours. My selfies at home. A tear rolled down my left cheek. I choked on a lump inside my throat. There was nobody there in the room with me. I felt so lonely. I missed my family. There was a photo of dad with uncle. Both of the brothers doted upon each other. I just hoped he would be happy to see me alive. Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I checked the time - almost dawn. A text from Danny.

[Danny] Good morning princess :)

His text brought a smile on my face amongst the tears. Danny is exactly the person I needed near me, right now. I started texting.

[Louise] Good morning handsome... missing you :(

[Danny] Aww baby.. will be back by lunch time. Stuck here in a meeting. Will leave for your uncle's place, after rewarding you for being patient ;)

[Louise] Okay big boy. Waiting.. take care!

[Danny] <3

Oh my God! He sent me a heart! Does he feel the same way for me? I wish he does. I didn't have any picture with him and realised I needed one, now. A part of me wanted this to end quickly, so that we could go out and spend time together. Apart from a terrible past, I knew nothing else about this man. I wished to know him more.

*knock knock*

I lazily opened the door, without a thought. Danny stood in front of me with a frown.

"You should have asked who's at the door before opening it, I think."

Without an answer, I turned around rubbing my eyes and almost limped into the blanket again. I fell asleep while thinking about him earlier and it was one of those sound sleeps, where I didn't suffer a flashback. I peeped with one eye and saw Danny standing with his arms crossed on his chest. I closed my eye and tried to sleep again. A warm pair of muscular arms wrapped around my body and squeezed me into embrace. After a few breaths on my neck, he kissed it and rested his head in it.

"How's your hand now, princess?"

"Mmm.. better."

"Had food?"


"Why so?"

"I fell asleep after we last texted."

"You're not hungry?"


I tried to fall asleep, but wasn't able to. His hands slowly moved up my tummy and softly touched my right nipple. Placing soft bites on my left shoulder, he began to softly squeeze my boobs and his other hand gradually travelling down my navel. Waves of pleasure hit me, but this time it wasn't lustful. I felt complete in his embrace. He didn't seem to arouse me. Just playing with my body. I turned around and kissed his cheek.

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