Revelation of Motives - 2 (Danny)

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I had been avoiding discussion about my past because it leaves me in tears every time. I had witnessed my entire life falling apart in just a few minutes. I fall weak whenever I have to remember daarji and papaji being shot down amongst the chaos. I somehow escaped my thoughts and noticed Louise had fallen asleep on my lap. Her entire body was shivering and she huddled closer. Both of us were naked and the air-condition was quite strong. I wrapped a blanket around us. She slept so comfortably clinging onto me like she trusted me with all her heart that I wouldn't let her fall. I had so much rage inside me since that incident. I strongly wanted revenge for at least the death of my lifelines. I spent the rest of the year gathering every penny I could get from dad's death and his lifetime savings, shifting from our land and settling somewhere else in Punjab; a fresh start with mom and bhai. My mom struggled a lot to get a job as a governess or a cook. Bhai was just a teenager and studying. I didn't want him to stop studying, so I took the responsibility to earn money. But I never left thinking about a way to avenge my loss. That's why I'm here. I don't need their riches, I wanna see these white-skinned shits suffering. My mind wandered off for a bit when I noticed the time. Maybe Louise was hungry, I should have asked her for food. I had stocked us up with everything we needed for a night. Though a mafia daughter, she doesn't behave like one. I have seen loneliness in her eyes. She trusts too fast. I would never hurt her, but 'duniya maadarchod hai'; it won't treat her any good.

I tried to carry her to bed, but she woke up in my arms. With drowsy eyes, she looked around the room and then at me, when I put her down on the bed. She was unwilling to let go. She kept looking at me and somehow I got captivated by her beady blue eyes. Her lips moved and it caught me off guard.

"Stop staring and give me some food. I'm hungry."

"Oh! Yes, ofcourse. The refrigerator is crammed with everything you might need. Cinnamon buns? I love these."

"Oh, yeah! And please, get me something to drink as well."

I brought her some cinnamon roll buns and a can of fruit juice. She drank and ate like she had been starving for a few days. I grabbed myself a beer and sat beside her. Her company felt good. After so long, I felt like I existed.

"You can continue your story if you're comfortable. I promise I won't doze off now."

"Haha! It's okay. You can rest. I wore you up a little too much against the bed, I guess."

"Not funny! I don't wear out so easily."

"Oh yeah? How about another round after you finish gobbling dinner?"

"Fine. Before that, I would like you to complete what you started. Please!"

"Alright, princess. As you insist. So, where were we? Yes, my father. They kept shooting--"

"Uh-huh.. Skip that part. Tell me how you ended up here."

"Ohkay. Umm... I have a childhood friend, Manpreet, who was working in a French MNC. At that time, he was posted in Paris for a project. So, I asked him to give me information on the mafia. I sent him pictures of the people, who visited our restaurant and then faxed him the letter they had sent us. After knowing our plight, he was devastated. He asked me to catch a flight to Paris, he provided me with a travel visa and helped me get a job here. He left for India soon after I settled here. I tracked down all of their companies and soon joined Alarie Royal Casino as a bouncer. I used to keep a record of all their recruits visiting and once I heard of Lucas hosting a party, I knew it was time for me to enter the lion's den. I knew what could impress Lucas and did that. I set up a fight amongst some clients by intentionally mixing up drinks from another table. I tipped the waiter to do so. When things got heated up, I kicked a few asses. Mostly, bouncers are very vulnerable and aren't so courageous in reality. The fact that I snatched a pistol from Lucas and pointed it at the other party, impressed him well. After the mob was cleared, he asked me to come over to his personal pub. I took the advantage of befriending him and getting him to introduce me to Schmitten. He was very happy to see me and offered me the job of bodyguard-in-chief for Schmitten. I accompanied him on his every mission and soon got access to most of his secrets. He thinks I'm more able and business-minded than Lucas. So, he put Lucas with me, as a companion in every business meeting. This way, Lucas would be able to learn some business and stay under discipline."

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