Othonos Corporation

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Although it's been just an hour since Danny left, his absence was hurting me. He promised to return, but I needed to keep patience. I kept myself busy with some chores. There were Chukki and Chinki to keep me occupied and Danny left me some cinnamon buns to munch on. From watering the plants to feeding the fish, I did everything I could inside the property, till it was past evening. It was here that I lost my patience and started missing him, badly. He sure kept his promise as I saw the grey car entering the premises. I hopped out of the balcony and running straight towards him, jumped into his arms. His scent filled my lungs and I was happy to see him back. I kissed his neck and looked into his eyes.

"I missed you!"

"Me too, princess."

"Tell me what happened over dinner. I made your favourite salad and chicken."

"Yeah, sure!"

At the dinner table, Danny turned to me with a glowing face and smiled.

"Wow, princess, you know my taste well. It's just perfect."

"Merci. Now tell me what did you do."

"Schmitten asked me to have a friendly talk with Othonos Corporation and offer them a collaboration with him."

"One of the leading water transportation corporation. Okay. Did he give you any reason behind this decision?"

"That's our task to find out. Do you have any idea, who's the tycoon?"

I smirked while answering, "Mr. Garrett Othonos, father of Julian Othonos."

"Very true. And the best part is, currently, the entire business is being managed by Julian. Are you excited to meet your ex?"

"Wait! What do you mean by meet? You want me to be a part of this task?"

"You are the best card I can play and extract information against the shady businesses run by Schmitten. He definitely has a purpose behind this collaboration."

"Okay. Fair enough. When do we leave?"

"We have an appointment with Mr. Julian Othonos tomorrow, evening at Cherbourg. He would be docking there. We will be having a business meeting in a luxury yacht."

"Wow! Another holiday. I'm actually liking this business, now."

"Oh no, no, princess. Don't be so fast to judge. Things can go wrong anytime, anywhere."

"I can handle Julian. Don't worry, nothing will get wrong here."

We prepared for the departure and drove to the hangar. Danny had a private flight ready to fly us to Normandy. Inside the flight, it was just the two of us.

"Guess we have some space for a couple of hours, all to ourselves. Do I have permission to be naughty with Mademoiselle?"

I blushed and giggled, when he pulled me by the waist and locked lips with me. His hands travelled to my hair and played with it. Our lips separated and we locked eyes.

"Papa used to poke into my love life, always. He would keep asking me if I dated someone or liked someone. I wasn't serious about Julian, so never considered mentioning him. But today.."

"You regret not telling him about Julian?"

"I wish he was alive. Would have mentioned about you."

Big boy certainly got carried away at the thought of being introduced to my dad. I really liked this man. He had good looks, charming attitude, sarcastic humour and a golden heart. The best part in Ranjeet is the fact that he respects women so much. He fits the stereotypical image of a strong and chivalrous man. Typical eligible bachelor. I wondered what kind of women he liked. He caressed my cheeks and removed hair from my shoulder. Baring a portion of my neck, he placed a breathy and soft kiss on my nape. His hands on my waist, holding me close and slowly entered my shirt. His fingertips drawing lazy circles on my waist gave me goosebumps. So fucking ticklish am I! Though he asked for permission, he didn't do anything to lure me into making love, throughout the journey. We spent the rest of the hour cuddling and chattering about an imaginary life, where we would have been schoolmates and our lives thereafter.

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