A romantic hideout (Danny)

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I could totally relish the awe-struck face of Louise. I hopped out of the car and opened the door for her. She stepped out with her jaw hanging wide, slowly swirling to feast her eyes with the beauty around her. I stepped in front of her staring at her beady blue eyes, dilated with amazement.

"Welcome to my hidden abode!"

"Oh good Heavens! This is so fucking amazing, Danny! I love this place."

"I told you. This way, princess."

She was smiling wide and her eyes couldn't stop moving around the entire place. I had craved to see her smile, since whatever she told me about her past in the morning. It's just the perfect time to bring her here. It's almost dinner time and the backyard had automatic lighting system with sensors. The entrance alley and this entire gardenspace is the result of months of hard work. Belonging from a farming background, I knew gardening well. I yearned for the greenery since the day I moved to Paris, five years ago. After saving a fortune, I bought this piece of land and turned it into this miniature heaven, last year. Louise smiling wide and peeking around the bushes to find my raccoon made me flush with joy. Felt so happy after a long time.

"Hey, Chukki! *whistle* aah! aajah!" My raccoon walked slowly towards me, eyes fixed on Louise.

"Oh my God, it obeyed! Is it a pet?"

"Yes, it is. He's my best friend. I share a lot of my stories with this little man, when he is not busy with his girlfriend." Chukki hopped into my arms. Louise stepped closer to touch him.

"So, you got him a partner, too?"

"Why not? I hardly get to visit here. He would probably get bored of my absence. I didn't want him to leave, so I gave him a companion."

"Heeheehee! That's so cute. So, where's your girlfriend, little guy?"

Chukki slipped from my arms and ran away into the bushes. We stood giggling at the sight. I built out this small and snug wooden cottage from scratch, with the help of Manpreet. He is a successful architect and built his own startup in Punjab. I asked him to send me a design and I did the carpentry with the help of some friendly localites. I made sure this place remained my secret hideout, when I wanted a break from the inhuman bloodshed and gluttony of the mafia business. I softly held Louise's hand.

"Come inside, I have a better surprise for you."

She kept holding my thumb even when I loosened my grip. It felt good and homely. I unlocked the door and the lights turned on. She walked to centre of the dining hall and swirled with both her hands stretched. She looked beautiful with her tousled hair wavering with the wind. Hayee!

"Now, you need to close your eyes, princess."


I turned her around and led her to the wide balcony, where sits the beautified, yet natural, freshwater pond, full of exotic fishes. I whispered into her ear to open her eyes.

"C'est magnifique ici!"

"I am glad you liked it, Mademoiselle. Now, please excuse me. I have to make dinner, because I am hungry as hell. If you want to use the washroom and rest, the master bedroom is at the right across the hall. Black door. You will find clothes in the wardrobe and fresh towels on the bed."

"So, you actually planned to bring me here beforehand."

"Remember, you might have seen my car at the mall?"

"So, you had been following me?"

"A man with a plan never falters! To the kitchen. Ciao!"

I left her behind, laughing in full bloom. She just felt so cosy to hang out with. I quickly got rid of my clothes and washed myself before Louise would use the washroom. I changed into my boxers. Ah! Relief. Sorting out the groceries, I put on my apron and started chopping vegetables. I missed my favourite salad and chicken roast. I hoped she likes Ratatouille, as I wasn't sure if she's a vegan or not. I should have asked her once, while fucking her. *Facepalm*. That's okay, I cook pretty well, she would like any french dish I make with an Indian touch. Maa taught me cooking, when I used to get scolded by papaji. I miss them. Finishing with the chopping and seasoning for salad, I marinated the chicken and put it inside the oven. A pair of tiny warm hands creeping inside my apron, almost scared me. Soft pair of boobs crushed against my back followed by a sloppy bite at the back of my arm. Louise peeped from under my arms at the oven with a wide smile.

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