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His eyes frantically searched around for her, but that didn't last long, because the man had already cornered him. When he raised his legs to kick him, that's when he swiftly used the pocket knife and stabbed forcefully under his knee, which led to a loud wail.

Using that to his advantage, he kicked the man's other leg down angrily, and it led to more groans and profanities. He had said it before, if Simeon can only go as much as doing the little, he will take it to the extreme and end it. He didn't care. Damn the consequences, one of them would die.

He didn't waste another breathe, and went ferociously to throw some punches, which the man was able to block, pouring all the anger, frustration and whatnot. But at the same time just because he is young doesn't really give him that advantage if he really didn't know the mechanics of fighting.
So before he could blink, he was overpowered by the man and his throat was held in a firm grip; but instead of being frightened, he smiled in a twisted manner.

Like he said earlier, one person would die between them. He would just feel sad if he left this man alive, because their mother would be a living dead.


At this moment, his emotions were fluctuating into three; anger, sadness and guilt. However, at the same time, he could feel that currently the person sitting down and watching the replay of the important parts of his life, was the both of them.

Suprisingly, they weren't bickering as usual, fighting over who should take over, or who was more of a coward or who deserved what and didn't deserve the other.

But if there was one thing Simeon would admit deep down in his heart is that, he is really a coward, an ungrateful son, someone that didn't really want to see it from the other side. Always playing the victim, forgetting that they are two victims affected here.

Sorting his emotions, he could still feel the other three he felt, and he allowed himself fully feel it then they turned back and continued watching.

By this time, the man had already punched him in his stomach, which made him taste a bit of blood in his mouth, because Simeon was crouching low, he didn't see that his own pocket knife would be used against him. And at this point, he could feel the real one trying to wake up. Everything started becoming disoriented. He was trying to force Simeon back to the real sleep state, but Simeon wasn't budging, he was at this point even starting to panic because of the chaos he's waking up to see.

Because of the inner conflict between the 'two', 'they' didn't see what the man was doing, instead just interchanging between themselves.

When the man got closer he could hear the mutterings but not the words and that made him smile in an unsightly manner. But before he could do anything to them, everyone heard a bang.

It sounded so real that Malik and Mariam who were subconsciously holding hands, tightened them more on reflex. It felt like their hearts would jump out of their mouth. Even Doctor Dele who stood outside stiffened a bit. Only Mrs Samuel put up a front of bravery but who knew how rapidly her heart kept on beating.

As for the main person, he was physically too tired to react, it was like his body couldn't move, but he didn't feel frightened.

Even though the man was shot, he didn't give up, instead turned back to see who did it. It was a funny reaction to think he was shocked that his wife would do that. Is it because, he thought that she was too weak and powerless to think of such? Or he thought that because she loves him very well she would endure to the end, he seemed to have forgotten that every human being have their breaking point.

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