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Simeon stood in a room full of mirrors, no walls he could see, the windows and the door he came in through, were all mirrors.

However, so far so good, he had broken half of them.


Because he was looking at himself, looking at a coward, looking at a weak, stupid fragile boy; and so when that thought came to mind, and he saw his reflection, he would either kick it, punch it, hurl it across other mirrors, or use the tools there to break it.

Yes. There were tools kept for him in this reflection room, maybe because the doctor had a feeling that he was going to destroy them. The most excruciating one he had to do, was when he picked up a knife, and kept on inserting it into the stomach of his reflection, wishing it was actually his own he was doing it too.

Then why didn't he do it to himself?
Well because he was given a condition, that he shouldn't touch himself in any way, if not, they would sedate him for a week, and he didn't want that at all.

But then, the ironic thing is that, whenever he destroys a mirror, it gets electronically cleaned up, and almost immediately, another mirror pops up, like as if it's taunting him, to come break it while it still can.

Anyone walking into the room wouldn't believe that there has once being broken mirrors, because it looks as neat as the first time, he stepped in. But what might make you believe that the reflection room was once a mess, were the little glass shreds on his shoes, his knuckles that were bleeding, the sweat all over his body that has soaked his clothes, and the little blood stains on the tools he used.

Why is Simeon here?

Well, he had come for his therapy session, but before that, when his mum decided to drop him, she was met with Simeon's broken bathroom mirror. Was she surprised? Yes but she wouldn't just start becoming so amazed. This is her son, she knows what he's capable of but what triggered him this time around?

After coaxing him, she swept away the scattered shrads while calling a home furniture company to replace the broken one.

While dropping him off, Doctor Dele asked her to stay this time around, because this one, is the one they both needed. Though perplexed, she agreed.

So here she was, crying out her eyes, while looking from the other side of the room. She had tried several times to go in there and stop him, but Doctor Dele told her that this was what she and Simeon needed.

How is this what they both needed, the quiet woman shouted at him. This is her son, the major thing helping her go through life. But the doctor was firm and stubborn in his decision, so he said they could watch together.

When she had calmed down a bit, Doctor Dele explained to her that, he noticed Simeon didn't like himself, and thought the worse about himself; but he wasn't going to sit down and evaluate his self worth to Simeon.

Simeon needed to see for himself, that he wasn't useless, a monster or a coward, he was much more. So by physically facing himself, would he see that.

Of course any injuries Simeon accidentally gave himself, the Doctor will transfer him to a ward for treatment free of charge, but they had to this.

In Doctor Dele's words, it was time for them to take the big jump, no more small steps.

Painfully as it was to Mrs Samuel, she watched, while never ending tears flew.

Simeon slumped down dejectedly, while he was breathing in deeply, his legs were bent at his knees, while being far apart from each other, and his head hung low. He was sweating, he was tired but at the same time, he was still angry.

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