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... hello...

Sometimes, when I see some authors putting things like they are not going to upload the next chapter till at least it got a couple of reads, votes and comments, I never really understood why. But now I do. It’s so discouraging when I see that people are not really voting and there are hardly any votes.

Yes I know and understand that my book is not the only with low votes, reads and comments but this book is interactive at least you can relate to some scenarios here.

I sometimes wish I had the confidence of some authors that don’t say things like vote and comment, and you hardly see an author’s note, because some of these types I have seen have so many comments and votes even after completion.

It even makes me more discouraged when some other people tell me things like “hey I will read your book but only when it’s complete, I don’t like reading incomplete things”. Things like that makes me feel bad because in my mind, I’ll be like why don’t you encourage me by reading it now, and saying your opinions, if there are some reversible things I’ll change, I will do that.

But it will be so unfair, when I have completed my book and someone will be like; this part shouldn’t be like this or like that. It won’t be fair, and it’s still not fair. So many times I try to encourage myself to keep on writing or take it down like I did the last one, but I will push myself further again. It’s not fair that I know that there are people out there that read this book but I don’t get feedback from them.

Sometimes, it is even more upsetting, when you see some authors that started writing after you but yet their book is having hundreds of thousands of reads, while there are some that you started writing at the same time, and up till now they haven’t completed their stories but the feedback, the reads are mind blowing. Of course as a human being, I will feel angry, jealous and whatnot but then that’s life. Everyone is not the same right?

I really feel bad, maybe when you do something you love and you don’t get a feedback, you will relate to how I feel, because maybe someone might be like, why is the author overreacting? It’s just a story.

Well… thank you to those that have read so far and commented and voted… I won’t drop TSOAC, I’m just going back into my mind for awhile and encouraging myself.

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