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I stood on the bleachers and watched.... Watched how I looked like a passing wind.
I went to the museum and stood and related how I looked like a fading painting...
I stood close to nature and watched, watched how i was like a fallen stem....
I stood close to the fountain and watched how I flowed like it.
I watched how I passed, faded, fell and flowed from you and to you.....

You thought I was still there.

Don't be weak. It never gets you anywhere and you know what I mean. Don't listen to anyone and you can't get rid of me easily you know. Do you know why you are dangerous because you don't need anyone. I am here.


"I don't understand why as an art student we are supposed to be finding
{√2y × 7x}^ 15= 1. Who does Mr Sali think we are, Jet Li?".

"Kuchi Jet Li is an actor not the founder of maths"

Well I couldn't agree less with Kuchi because why would I want to study something like law and I will still be practising math. But then it's a law and policy that even if you want to study english, you need maths in your WAEC to pass before any university accepts you.

"Where is the Mr Sali. His own is to just give class work and be going for yawo" Yamana complained.

"Maybe if you actually sit down and try to go through the examples it wouldn't be so difficult".

Everyone turned, of course it was the new boy. We were surprised because we thought he will stay quiet forever. It's been up to three weeks now and he hasn't spoken apart from every teacher coming to do some introductions with him, it was from school to wherever he went.

Hearing his voice. A bit rough and intimidating but somehow soft if you listen to it again.

"Nobody asked you, Yoruba boy. Just because they think they are yoruba, they are more intelligent than others"

Now nobody wanted to focus on their class work. They were all used to Yamana and Kuchi.


"It's a pity you don't have self confidence and you are blaming another tribe for that. Am also sorry you find my existence intimidating". Kuchi looked at me, I looked at her.

It was obvious even to the blind man that Yamana was angry, with the way he tightened his hands, knowing Yamana he might do something that won't be nice.

As the air headed other boys were cheering him on, he was also being charged by it. He doesn't know that by the time he and the new by lands a punch they will no longer be his cheerleaders again. They will now be behaving like they are watching mortal combat life.

Infact Yamana knows that as a prefect, he will be either flogged severely or punished worse because he didn't set a good example.

"Yamana why does it look like you want to beat Simeon, hope all is well?' Mr Sali asked smiling a bit to himself. When did this man come? I won't be surprised if he has been quietly standing at our class door.

"Sir don't mind this troublesome boy somebody cannot ask question again"

Ah yes! Meet Queen Bee in person of Chelsea Onyechi. Yeah we also have mean girls too. And by the way she is defending the new boy, he will be part of her to do list which consisted of boys non stop.

"Arsenal nobody asked you" Kuchi taunted.

"My name is Chelsea"

"Sorry don't blame me, names of football clubs confuse me". Chelsea wanted to reply when Mr Sali cleared his throat again.

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