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Simeon sat down, looking at Doctor Dele's lips moving, not quite understanding or hearing anything. Just the way Miriam paled in fright, eventually loosing focus, before she fainted; now she was in a coma. What if Doctor Dele had not immediately injected him and sent him to sleep, would he have attacked her? He was not one for injections, ever since he could remember being in hospitals, he hated syringes but at that moment, he was glad he was given a sedative.

He heard a loud bang that immediately brought all his wondering senses back and looked up to see Dr Dele had hit the table with his shoe and was now smiling at him innocently; showing his pearly white front teeth. That brought a little laugh from him, which in turn caused the Dr this time around to give a genuine smile.

He straightened his back this time to give him his rapt attention. Dr Dele cleared his throat this time and spoke again; "Can I speak to him Simeon?"

"Why?" was Simeon's immediate response.

"Well, because it will be good to hear his side and to say hi to him once in awhile. The only time I've actually heard him talk was when you were arguing" he replied.

Simeon looked at him sceptically before answering; "but he won't completely take over though, because I don't know what he can do when I'm not around"

"You not giving him a name already makes him not have full control, or does he have a name?"

Simeon shook his head no but still added, "I thought you knew that already, isn't it in my file?"

"Just to confirm from the horse's mouth, wouldn't hurt to confirm the truth, would it, alright let me say hi to a friend".


Simeon was still a bit hesitant about allowing come forth, but still, he could feel him coming to take over but he wouldn't allow him fully.

Oh shut up please. I said to Simeon, rolling my eyes at him and that made the doctor laugh a bit, then I turned to face the man and leaned back on the seat.

He smiled and spoke, did the normal introductions of who he was, but I cut him off saying I knew him; just that Mr Know It All wouldn't allow me meet him one on one, and he laughed more about that saying I was more outspoken and funny, I just rolled my eyes at that.

"So, what made you come out that day, what triggered you?" he asked keeping some sort of smile on his face.

"Well, I heard from my other that someone was going to die and it will surely not be me or is my mother tired of me?" The doctor smiled and said no; then he said "tell me about your mother". I was confused and I'm sure it showed on my face but I still asked "why do you want to know about her, haven't you read my file and haven't you interacted with her, what is there to know again?"

"Yes you are correct, but that's what your file says, and my interaction with her is limited seeing that it is from my perspective, I want to know about her from you her son, what is she like, she is your mother, who is your mother to you? And what should I call you; I don't find it comfortable to call you other". He had a point but what should I be called, the other idiot says we are different and I shouldn't be called Simeon, but Mummy Ishola says we are the same and mum calls me Shimmy also- "You don't deserve to call her mum, call her Hajiya" I heard him saying, I didn't have any strength in me to argue back, "stop being a child-" I heard someone clear their throat and I looked to see the doctor looking at me, he must have heard us, smiling wickedly, I told the Dr to call me Shimmy, because it would piss a certain someone.

So relaxing further, I went into my mind to get all I can about who my mum is from the time I started coming to be; why hasn't he ever asked me to talk about Hajiya, why is he asking you?" I looked at Dr Dele to answer Mr Angry.

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