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Teenagers, youths, young adults, whatever category they are being called, are mean.

Children are gullible and they easily forgive, they easily love, they don't care what people say.

Adults are more matured and talk with respect and regard; so they are somehow mean but kind in their words.


When I was in Jss2, on a sunny Tuesday afternoon, after lunch break, I was about to  enter my class, when I tripped and fell down. My elbow got badly injured and blood was flowing, the worst part was that everyone was laughing.

I felt embarrassed and sad, and the blood kept flowing. It was a smallish girl, who shouted at everyone to stop laughing, but they didn't, she took my arm and guided me to the school clinic, where I got treated. But we didn't become friends.

It was when we started first term of Jss3, I was going to buy snacks from the school canteen, Yolanda, Chelsea's friend 'accidentally' hit me and her zobo (purple hibiscus juice) poured on my uniform.

I was angry, because, my uniform got stained and anyone who has had a first yand experience of zobo stains, knows that it's not easy to remove. The unfortunate thing was that I didn't bring my sweater hence the weather was a bit hot.

I was angry and confused, the girl didn't even bother to help me clean up the so-called accident, she just said a flimsy sorey and left. I felt someone tap my shoulder, it was that same girl that helped me in Jss2. She smiled a warm smile and gave me her sweater to wear; then she offered to help buy my snacks.

The next day, I gave it to her washed and folded, after spraying two different perfumes on it, she laughed and said 'thank you kawana. The perfume smells nice'. Since then, we have been friends.

Now in Ss2, the government teacher asked me a question, and I stood up to answer. My seat is the third seat, on the second row, that means I am somehow in the middle of the class.

Immediately I stood up, I heard whispers and laughter. I was confused on what was funny, I thought the new boy did something again. I turned but imstead I saw him frowning at them, then I noticed the laughter was at me, I then looked around my seat, I saw the light blue chair had a big red stain, then with my hands already shaking, I touched my skirt and it was wet.

I didn't know I was about to fall, until I felt someone tying something to my waist. The person took me outside, and kept on covering my face with their hand. From other student's windows, I could hear whispers.

When we entered the girl's bathroom, I heard girls saying things like what is a boy doing here?
Some people are shameless, they want to do illegal act in the bathroom.

A boy in girls toilet? It was when the person removed their hand, I now saw it was Simeon who helped me. He looked angry and was mumring things, then he turned and faced me, he was talking to me but I didn't hear, I was still crying and somehow in shock. It wasn't until he shook me that I heard what he was saying.

"What brand of sanitary towel do you use?" I noticed he sat me down on a toilet seat.

"Just buy anyone"

"Don't you have a specific one? Aren't you reacting or itchy to anyone? Don't cry, don't worry I'll get Hajiya's type for you, in the meantime, have your bath, lock the door and don't allow anyone inside except me".

I have never felt so happy about Principal Racheal's decision, concern having bathrooms in the male and female toilet, most schools I know don't have bathrooms, even if they do, I don't think they have new set of towels every week or bathroom slippers always clean, or a bathtub but Danbo international college had it, like a bathroom in a hotel.

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