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"I don't know why you are annoyed that I went to help my life by asking him" Kuchi didn't understand that my anger was because the boy looked proud. Since that day, it's like heaven opened a curtain and the sun shone down on the new boy's face then Angel Michael said to all the senior girls this is the new boy, look upon his face and see your destiny.

It wasn't like he was so fine like that. What annoyed me also was that Kuchi started calling him bestie and has been hanging out with him more.

"I'm not angry Kuchi. You can ask for help towards anyone but am your bestfriend why are you spending more time with him. I thought you said if you like a guy you would distance yourself more from him in order not to make a fool of yourself. Why are you then coming close to this one".

Kuchi laughed.

"First I thought I liked him but then no. Besides didn't you say we shouldn't isolate ourselves we would soon graduate and we should make new friends no one knows tomorrow"

"Yes I said that but why not others why him?".

"Why not him. If you like him simply tell me this your upcoming jealousy is funny and annoying, besides he is intelligent. He also speaks intelligence"

"I don't like him and am not jealous. I just feel he has pride and-"

"Don't we all. Kawana we quarrel about every little thing but I don't know why it seems like this one is going to be a headache for us"

"That's because she doesn't like me. In order words your the one that has truly given her love in this life it seems" we heard a familiar voice say.

I didn't take notice that it was break period and virtually everyone had gone. It was Kuchi, another student who was sleeping, the new boy and I.

"Nobody asked you for your opinion new boy. The last time I checked your name is not Kuchali". I was angry I didn't care how I sounded.

"Why are you behaving like this all of a sudden" Kuchi asked angrily.

"Why are you getting angry with me?"

"The truth is bitter, so they say" that new boy!!

"Bestie don't mind her. She needs to free her mind once in awhile. Why didn't you go out for break, are you not hungry?"
Kuchi passed me like I was cool breeze. I laughed inside, once he talked she responded and am the one she claims I should free my mind. Indeed. I didn't say anything, I didn't go out for break because I wasn't hungry again and also break period is almost over. I picked up my novel to read.

"Since when did Simeon come that you haven't given him breathing space"

"Yes Chelsea featuring Kuchali. Chelsea is winning 1-0" Kenneth. I rolled my eyes. He will soon get beaten up one of these days

"Man U, I don't have time for you. Does he look like he's hibernating? He's breathing fine. Is you that's making him choke with your insecticide called perfume" my friend shot back

"And Kuchi gave thunder it's now 1-1"

"It's Chelsea and besides my perfume which am sure you haven't perceived before, is from Dubai which I recently went to, am sure you haven't even stepped out of Kaduna".

" 2-1"

Chelsea sneered back. The class of thirty was already getting full and people were honestly enjoying the show.

People liked it because it was refreshing to see that somebody was not taking Chelsea's queen attitude easily. But sadly she was right Kucheli hasn't traveled out yet.
What? It was a class of competition virtually all of us have been outside the country except for Kuchi and of course the new boy.

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