A drunk man's words is a sober mans thoughts (Javier x female reader)

Start from the beginning

"You don't have to Y/N, I was only joking" John tried to reason with you.

"I hear one more complaint from you, I'll be buying the drinks and you won't be getting any" You jokingly threatened.

"Yes ma'am" John said sarcastically.

You rolled your eyes but started to laugh the other three looked at you before looking between them and laughing themselves.

"C'mon, marston's got drinks to buy" You said as you went through the door.

You looked around the saloon and saw a empty table at the back, you smiled to yourself as you heard people having fun and talking among themselves. You walked over to the empty table with the boys following you, you sat down and Javier sat next to you.

"Alright, what does everyone want?" John asked.

"I'll take a beer" Javier said.

"Whisky for me" You said and looked at John.

"Arthur, what about you?" John asked.

"I'll take a whisky as well" Arthur informed John.

John nodded and went over to order the drinks leaving you with Arthur and Javier, you looked at Arthur and saw that he took his hat off and put it on the table. You smirked to yourself before coming up with a idea, Javier saw your smirk and decided to help you by distracting Arthur.

"So Arthur, what do you think of horseshoe?" Javier asked.

"It's alright, be better if there was water so we could push Marston in" Arthur said and chuckled.

"You love him really" You said as you went along with Javier's plan.

"I tolerate him" Arthur joked.

You laughed and made the move of taking Arthur's hat, Arthur looked between you and Javier with a raised eyebrow.

"You two working together now?" Arthur asked.

"What? Javier and I are partners in crime" You said as you placed Arthur's hat on your head and laughed.

Arthur let out a little laugh as the hat was too big and kept falling down to cover your eyes. You let out a little huff in annoyance as you heard Javier and Arthur laugh, Javier couldn't help but think how cute you looked.

"Alright, two whiskys and one beer" John said and placed the drinks down.

You removed Arthur's hat from your head and took a sip of your drink. You looked at John and nodded your head as a thanks.

Only a couple is what Arthur told you now here you are slurring over your words whilst holding onto John's arm to keep steady. You looked around the saloon and saw Javier next to the piano, with all the courage and alcohol in you, you walked over to Javier.

"Hello chica" Javier said with a smile.

"H-how?" You asked whilst wobbling.

"How what?" Javier asked as he wrapped a arm around your waist.

"How can s-someone be so cute?" You asked whilst letting out a giggle.

"Who do you find cute?" Javier asked whilst looking around.

"Well, he has black hair that's always in a ponytail, he also has chocolate brown eyes and he speaks spanish" You said and started to sway to the music.

Javier smirked and pulled you closer to him as he started to sway the pair of you side to side with the piano. Arthur was talking to John when all of a sudden John shushed him and pointed to you and Javier.

"About time one of em made a move" Arthur said and chuckled.

"The plan worked then?" John asked amused.

"The plan worked" Arthur said and nodded his head.

Arthur and John kept watching you and Javier sawy side to side with the music. Javier bought his hand up to your face and tucked a strand piece of hair behind your ear.

"Not such a tough outlaw now are you" You said quietly as you rested your head on his shoulder.

Javier let out a chuckle and wrapped his other arm around you. Arthur and John both looked at each other before raising there glasses up to one another.

The next day

You sat at the campfire whilst holding your head and groaning. As you was sat with your head in you hands, Sean sat next to you and handed you a cup of coffee.

"Never let me drink again" You mumbled.

"Can't handle the drinks I see" Sean said and laughed.

"Shut up Irish" You groaned.

Sean laughed and nudged you a little with his elbow, you pushed his arm away which caused him to laugh some more.

"You're lucky i haven't killed you yet" You said and lent against him as you began to grow tired.

"Ya love me" Sean said with a laugh.

"I wouldn't be so sure, she told me yesterday she has her eyes on someone else" Javier said as he sat opposite you.

"And who would that be?" Sean asked whilst looking down at you.

You tried to hide your face as you remembered what you said to Javier the other day.

"Hey, no use in hiding against me" Sean said and laughed.

"Ugh, I hate life and alcohol" You mumbled in Sean's jacket.

Sean and Javier laughed at you and you slapped Sean's arm and sent a death glare to Javier. You rolled your eyes at them both before getting up and walking to your tent.

You sat on your bed whilst fiddling with your fingers and thinking about yesterday, you made a mental note to kill Arthur and John when you see them next.

"Knock knock" Javier said from outside your tent.

"You sure you want to talk to me?" You asked and looked down.

"Why wouldn't I want to talk to you?" Javier asked and sighed.

"Fine, come in" You said but kept your head down.

Javier entered your tent and saw you had your head down, Javier let out a little sigh before sitting next to you. He then wrapped a arm around you and pulled you into his side.

"What are you doing Javier?" You asked and looked at him.

Javier looked at you and smiled before gently pressing his lips against yours, you tensed up at first but slowly relaxed and moved your lips in sync with his. After a while you both pulled away for air and you snuggled into his side whilst he played with your hair.

"I've wanted to do that for a while" Javier admitted with a smile.

"You could of just asked" You joked.

"I'll remember that for next time" Javier said and laughed.

You smiled and got more comfortable against him, maybe you won't kill Arthur and John after all just mildly injure them you thought.

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