Chapter 54: Interrogation

Start from the beginning

Now I just felt cut off and alone.

The dizziness was starting to subside when the big iron, medieval looking door opened. I opened my eyes to see a congregation of witches pile into the relatively small dungeon-like room.

Luke stepped away then, apparently content with the ropes as the High Council faced me. There was a silent standoff. How much did they actually know?

"Leina, that was some show last night." Marguerite said at last, her purple eyes guarded. Her long grey hair was pulled up into a bun and she wore a traditional pagan robe that flowed to her feet.

"Thanks." I muttered sarcastically.

Shut up! My inner voice warned. This was not the time for my mouth to get me in trouble, I was in enough trouble already.

Marguerite's eyes narrowed at my cheek remark. Lewis, the unpleasant man from last night, grunted in disapproval of my apparent lack of respect.

He was dressed in an expensive black suit, his brown hair coming past his ears, framing his face. Coupled with his beard and moustache he kind of looked like a lion. His unfriendly dark eyes watched me, making me squirm under his gaze.

"What do you want from me?" I prompted, focusing on Marguerite. I had no idea what the punishment was for 'cavorting with vampires'.

"You saw what happened at the camp with that spell. I only trusted Talon because I had no other choice, and he saved me. That was how we became blood-bound. I didn't choose to be." I reasoned, trying to remain calm.

Marguerite surprised me then by saying:

"We know." she said, her purple eyes expressionless. My eyes were wide as I stared at her in disbelief, waiting for the punchline. She didn't offer any further explanation.

"Then why am I here?" I demanded.

"We know you were blood-bound unintentionally. Why you continued to see the vampire is another matter altogether." Another elder, a woman with short grey hair and ice blue eyes said, her disapproving tone unmistakable.

"There are other reasons for us wanting you here." Marguerite said, ambiguously. What, so they just want to keep me locked up here? Why?

Then the penny dropped. When else did I know of the council locking up a witch against their will? Aliénor.

They're scared about the power you hold, a voice at the back of my head whispered to me.

"It has been centuries since an Elemental Witch walked this earth." Marguerite said, confirming my suspicions. But how did they know? Was it that obvious from the spell I'd submitted myself to, months ago in the council chambers? I hadn't known myself until later that night, and not really the full extent until much later.

"Not since Aliénor," I said boldy, causing some murmurs in surprise.
"Who you locked up too. Is that your plan, keep me locked up? Why?" I exclaimed while the thirteen witches watched me, their eyes interrogating every inch of me.

Come to think of it, how did they know I was still 'cavorting' with vampires anyway? Had they been spying on me? Keeping tabs on me somehow?.

It was like they had had someone on the inside, feeding them information and keeping them updated.

"Bridget was the one that first alerted us, though indirectly." The short haired elder said, eerily answering my unspoken question.
"She began researching Elemental power and looking into prophecies, very obscure research topics that were sure to draw our attention."

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