"Wait. Brittany, are you pregnant?" He asked.

"Definitely." She said, frowning as she turned to Artie. "I'm so sorry, Artie. I didn't want to upset you. I thought I could surprise you when I dropped him off. Pretty sure it's a boy."

"Um, babies don't get dropped off." Emily pointed out with a frown of confusion as she looked at Brittany.

"Wait, Brittany, have you been to a doctor yet?" Mr. Schue asked. "That's the only way to be sure."

"I don't need to go to a doctor. I just need to look outside my window." She said, as everyone turned to her dumbfounded. "Three days ago, a stork built its nest on top of my garage. I'm not stupid, it's obviously getting ready to bring me my baby. I know where babies come from."

At that, Emily realized a breath, finally understanding that Brittany actually wasn't pregnant, thankfully. Looking over at Quinn, the two shared a fond look for their clueless friend and shook their heads in disbelief.

Well, at least they wouldn't be having another teen pregnancy that year.


"Sexy." Mr. Schue announced as he wrote the word on the board the next glee meeting.

"I really hope that's not one of the requirements for Regionals, because with Berry in those tights, we don't stand a chance." Santana commented as Rachel gasped, offended.

"No, this isn't about Regionals." Mr. Schue explained. "I'm less worried about that right now and more worried about the fact that it's become clear to me that some of you have been lacking when it comes to understanding the... The, uh... The intricacies of adult relationships."

Mr. Schue sighed as he realized a few of students were laughing at his choice of words. Damn, why did it have to be so difficult having a conversation about sex with high schoolers?

"Yeah, anyways." He continued. "Along with preparing for our Regionals next week, I want to spend the week educating ourselves about some of these intricacies."

"Is this the appropriate forum for that?" Rachel asked with a rather disgusted frown on her face.

"Look, whenever we had, uh, issues in the past that are on our minds or giving us problems, it's always helped us to sing about it." Mr. Schue explained. "So, this week I have invited a special guest: Ms. Holiday!"

Everyone cheered when Ms. Holiday entered the class.

"Hola, clase." She smiled, as she walked to stand in the middle of the choir room. "Okay, so: sex. It's just like hugging, only wetter."

"Yeah it is." Artie agreed, earning a disgusted look from Emily.

"Okay, so let's start with the basics." Ms. Holiday said as she walked toward Finn. "Finn, is it true that you thought you got your girlfriend pregnant via hot tub?"

"I have always been dubious." He defended himself before she turned to Brittany. "And, Brittany, you think that storks bring babies?"

"I get my information from Woody Woodpecker cartoons." She said, matter-of-factly.

"Well, that's all going to end right here, right now." Ms. Holiday said. "Because, today, we are going to get under the covers, all together, and get the ditty on the dirty."

"I'm so turned on right now." Puck whispered, as Emily grunted in repugnance again, earning her a chuckle from Sam.

"Ah, what about those of us who choose to remain celibate?" Rachel asked, as she reached over to Quinn who was sitting beside her.

Yes or no - Book 1 - S.E.Where stories live. Discover now