Chapter 17: I'm Into You

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Days pass and it's clear that Jackson and I avoid each other like the plague. He rarely even looks up from his desk towards me anymore, and he walks out chatting and talking to others as if nothings wrong in the world. It's infuriating to watch, even though I need to.

Eric, Lola and I are making our way over to the bleachers to watch try outs for cheerleading as Hallie finally put her name down after a million assurances from us. Lots of people are here to watch and the Football team even take a break from their training to watch, which doesn't surprise me.

I'm surprised by how many people have come to try out, and Lola continuously tells us how she would rather die than be seen in a cheerleading costume as Eric talks about how it's high fashion. I'm not sure how but I nod along anyway. I find my eyes trailing over to where Jackson's sat with the guys, they're throwing water bottles between each other and laughing. It reminds me of when he laughed hard when we were at the beach the first time and he got me in wearing my dress, a small smile makes it's way to my face when I think of it and I flush red when I see him look towards me and catch my eye. I quickly avert my gaze and refuse to look back at him, concentrating on the girls' routines.

Hallie is next and she waves up to us, I wave back and smile brightly at her. Her names called and I see her swing her hips confidently as she walks in front of them. I wolf whistle at her, waving and I see Cameron wave as he spots me doing it. He starts chanting "Hallie" over and over again and I laugh as he turns around and smirks. I briefly see Jackson staring straight ahead and not looking towards either of us, ignoring Cameron.

Hallie's music comes on and I cross both of my fingers, watching as she starts her routine. It never fails to amaze me how we're best friends. She's so confident and amazing; she's flailing her limbs about as if they're barely attached, she's in splits and back flips and everyone is cheering her. There's not a chance she hasn't got this. She finishes and I clap and whistle loudly, feeling proud of her. Eric and Lola both join in and she waves back to us as she heads back to get changed.

"How good was she though?" Lola beams and Eric agrees.

"Girl, she was better than half the girls actually on the squad." Eric notes.

"She has to get in, she's amazing." I agree with them.

Hallie comes out squealing and it's clear to us that she has got it and will be cheering in the next game, which just so happens to be Friday. We agreed we'd go back home on the Saturday together so we can stay back after her first cheer to celebrate. Lola and Eric agree to come.


Classes continue as normal, English has me and Jackson ignoring each other even more and I spend most of my nights in the library getting ahead in my assignments and reading.

Lola is getting excited over Halloween approaching and she can't wait to decorate her side of the room all things spooky, have a horror marathon and she's even excited to go to a fancy dress party. I guess Halloween is her thing. I'm more of a Christmas girl.

The Friday approaches fast and we're standing in the bleachers getting ready to watch the game. I wave as I make eye contact with Hallie on the field and she's wearing the cheerleading outfit. It's colder tonight for some reason so I'm wearing jeans and an oversized sweater, everyone is screaming and shouting for our team and I always feel giddy watching the game. So far we've won every one but I've heard that the team we're playing tonight is extremely good so I'm worried that Hallie's first cheer might be tainted by a loss.

Hallie is amazing and cheering her socks off, she fits in perfectly and they all move in sync against the other players' cheerleading squad. As much as I watch Hallie, my eyes fixate on the game where Jackson is running between people and smashing into others so hard it makes people around me suck in air between their teeth in response, letting out concerned 'ooh's. The game is really tight and eventually we come to a draw, it sends the players in a frenzy as people are slamming their helmets off the floor which makes me think that it was really important to have beat them.

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