Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Luckily enough today we are able to park right outside our dorms, unlucky for me, it takes around 4 trips for me to get all of my things up into my room. I am exhausted. I'm sweating and my baby hair that frames bits of my face is stuck to my skin; not my most glamorous look.

Hallie isn't my roommate but we knew this before we came; I suppose it'll be good to expand our horizons a bit and meet new people. Ha. Who am I kidding? That's Hallie's job and my job is to just go with the flow. It looks like my own roommate has already been and gone; she has black bedding and her make up all set out on her dresser, a black dream catcher above her bed and a cool grey patterned sheet on the wall behind her headboard. The room is plain and the walls are white, the floor a thin black carpet. My bed is situated near to the door against the window, whereas my roommates' is on the other side against the back wall. I look at my bags sprawled all over the floor and heave a heavy breath.

"Do you not have your things away yet?" Hallie appears at the door that I have open, lots of freshmen moving in wandering up and down the corridor with bags and boxes. I narrow my eyes at how organised and quick she is with all of this.

"Does it look like it?" I huff, I let out a whimper and sit on the corner of my bed. "Why is this so stressful?" I pout and she laughs.

"Can you hurry up. I want to explore!" She sings as she skips into the bedroom and makes her way to my roommate's side. "Wow, I like this girls' style. She might bring you out of your awkwardness." She jokes, reaching to the wall and touching her dream catcher. I roll my eyes.

"If anyone would have done that, that'd be you." I smirk and she nods in acknowledgement.

I take another look at my bags and get to business, Hallie ignores me and sits on my roommate's bed on her phone, not even looking up. That's the good thing about me and Hallie, we have been friends since we were in nappies and we are more like sisters than anything else. We're joined at the hip, so far the only argument we've had was in 7th grade when we both had a crush on Gabe Forster. Unfortunately he wasn't interested in either of us... Actually, he wasn't interested in girls at all. But that's beside the point.

I eventually unpack and I'm surprised that it only really takes 45 minutes. Hallie is taking pictures of herself and posting them on Snapchat or Instagram; I don't really pay attention. My side of the room is much different to my roommates. All of my bedding is white and puffy, my white pillows take up the majority of my bed and my white throw is fluffy. I have a picture of me and my mom on my bedside table alongside my cream lamp. I don't really have anything on my walls but I make a mental note to get something, anything, and I pin a few pictures of me and Hallie on my pin board above my headboard.

"Voila. Done." I grin and Hallie looks up, giving it a once over.

"Very chic, I like it." She approves, "Now get changed, you can't walk around campus your first day wearing that."

"Fine!" I huff, pulling the curtain across on my cupboard hole in the wall that is my wardrobe. Hallie's wearing black heeled boots, black denim jeans and cream long sleeved crop top. I pull out my tight washed out denim skirt that comes mid thigh, black cropped sweatshirt and black boots. I quickly change and pull my hair from it's loose messy pony tail, running a hand through the tats and quickly touching up my make up in my mirror on my study desk that I'm definitely not going to use for studying. "Happy?"

"You look a million dollars." She grins and jumps up, she walks out of my room and I follow behind, grabbing my black little backpack as we go.

The halls are busy and I'm half tumbling trying to squeeze past people and get out of their way, I didn't realise before I came that these dorms were coed, not that it worried me. Hallie finds it amazing and she's drooling over every guy that walks past, pointing them out from miles away.

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