Chapter 12

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"He used to uh, do drugs. And one time it got very bad. To the point where he almost raped a girl, and a guy." He told me with a concerned look in his face.

"Isn't that why he's in rehab?" I asked him. I mean, of course he had to be trouble to be in rehab. I'm not even that bad in trouble, but I'm still in rehab. I can't change that.

"Well, yes, Firstly. It's pretty complicated, he was in freshmen when that happened, and I was a senior. He also tried to drug my best friend," he said and I cut him off short.

"Oh you had friends?" I asked with a surprised look on my face. Hey, don't give me that look, I can have a little fun because this talk was very tense.

"That's pretty jacked up." He said wobbling his finger at me, like an old man.

"What are you? 80?" I questioned sarcastically.

"What are you, 2?" He mocked my tone.

"Well, yes I get I look younger than I am, thank you" I vowed and my answer took him aback.

"Maddie, how old are you?" He suddenly questioned and i furrowed my brows in confusion.

"I'm 16 why?" His look lit up like he was about to find the worlds solution to everything.

"What's your last name," he asked.

"Fuentes, why?" I questioned and his mouth gaped open whilst mine was in a thin straight line.

"You're that girl that 'disappeared'" he said, doing bunny ears with his fingers when he said 'disappeared'.

"You-how-what-when?" I managed to ask.

"Me- Ian. How- milk. What- banners. When- ever since you got lost." He answered all my questions, and I was surprised because I understood everything.

Of course my family was gonna look for me, I was at God knows where for a month and a half. And now I'm here, with no one that knows, but Austin and his parents.

"How did you know it was me?" I questioned confused.

"You're Madison Fuentes, your dad owns this place, forgot the name and your mom works at this place as a CEO." He said, gosh. Did he stalk me?!

"Are you a stalker??" I questioned quickly.

"No, I used to work for your parents," he told me and I just got confused even more- if that was even possible.

"When?" I asked him.

"About 10 years ago, and then the guy that was the CEO back then fired me because I was late by 10 minutes, even though I had called to tell him." He dismissed his hand in the air.

"Pancho?" I asked him. "That Mexican dude?" I questioned him, remembering the CEO of 10 years ago, I hardly remember but I knew he would always bring me like what are they called? Panchos? Ponchos? They're those things that you put around your neck, its like this thing. Ugh I can't remember.

"Yea him." He looked down at the floor, and well, now I'm curious to find out about Ian's age, and Kyle's age.

"Ian, how old are you?" I asked him and he seemed taken aback.

"I am 30, why?" He seemed confused.

"No just curious." But then that meant Kyle was 30 or 31. He looked waaay younger for that. He looked around my age. Wow, he used Botox I bet.

"And how old is Kyle?" I asked him with out even thinking twice. You know what they say. 'Open your mind before your mouth'. Or something like that, I think by Marilyn Manson? I love that dude. THIS IS HALLOWEEN THIS IS HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN HALLOWEEN. IN THIS TOWN WE ARE SOMETHING NANANANANANANANANANNAANA. GIMME DRUGS! I DONT NEED THEM. NANANANANANANANANANNAANA.
What the hell is wrong with me. I went from A Nightmare before Christmas to my chemical romance. ThEY HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

"Kyle is 26." Wait, didn't he say that he's 3 years older than Kyle?

"Why is he 26 if you're like 3 years older than him.

"School wise, I am, age wise I am not," he said and I, again was confused.

"How?" I asked him.

"Kyle was like a prodigy, you know, the type of kid that graduates highschool early, so I was like 18 by then he was like. What's 18 minus 6?" He questioned. "12?" He answered his own question. I nodded. "Well, yes, he graduated highschool at 16, and well 8 years have passed ever since, I worked at your dads company for 4 years, and I've been working here for 4 years as well." He said, clearing up my confusion-sorta.

A knock appeared on my door, and to my surprise- it was Kyle. Speaking of the devil.

((Hi guys!! How are you? Good? Bad? If you are good, that's great, have a cookie *hands you a cookie* if you are bad, I'm sorry have 10 cookies *shoves cookies up your mouth* 😁😁😁😁💕 I will try to update more because I am lagging on my updates, I like to update weekly, at the most. If I don't, it's because I have tests or quizzes, or no wifi. My mom says wifi and TV are a distraction to my studies because of last semesters grades! Can you believe her??? She took my wifi away because I had 2 c's. What the hell? Oh well. She's used to seeing me with only a's and b's what can I do. I can't take C's either so I must sound like a hypocrite. I hope you're doing great! Oh, btw, I am pretty ghetto in my talking, like naturally, so my ghetto ways might slip into either violets or Maddison's speaking 🙈. So yeah, I'm apologizing for being ghetto 😂😂👌👌. And I also, spill my heart out for ou guys 😁 so yes that whole nbc to MCR was my heart. That happens in my mind when it's 12:30 and I'm writing this chapter because I can't sleep. Well, bye guys love you!! Thanks for reading!! Please Comment, Vote, and Share with les amis. (french word for the friends). Bye✌️😘))

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