Chapter 17

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((Maddie's Bradley room👉💻. 👆📱, it's not exactly accurate but it works better than nothing. Just imagine a bookshelf somewhere there.))

I got out of the room and walked to my own room.

I felt violated, I had just received a lot of answers, but at the same time I received none.

I received enough answers to make me want more answers.

I went inside my room and locked it, telling Ian that I will be taking a nap, I always lock my door when I nap or sleep, so he'd understand. But I will not be taking a nap today.

I grabbed the key and took some books off the shelf.

I opened the little door and looked deeper inside it.

There were a lot of little wooden boxes with a lock on them. I tried to put the key in, but they didn't open.

Now I have to find the keys.

Could Serena have taken them to her new room?

Maybe I should like for them here first, and then go look for them wherever she moved to.

I looked under the mattress, behind books, in books, inside the pillow (it's a zipped pillow). Nothing.

I opened the drawer, there was a little hole, big enough for my pinky to fit in. I put my pinky in and the bottom of the drawer lifted up, with a bunch of little, and big keys in there.

What were these for? I don't know.

I grabbed them all, and tried them all inside the key hole of only one box.

After what seemed like 10 hours, the box opened and revealed me to little pictures.

Kyle, Ian, and the one that caught my eye the most.

Ashley. It was her. My ashley.

She was hugging Kyle, and she was smiling, she looks so happy.

There's no pictures of Serena, none whatsoever.

I tried to open the next box, and it took me 10 more hours to open that one too.

It finally opened, it had a cellphone in there, it was off. I turned it on, and to my surprise, it was fully charged.

I unlocked it, but nothing was there. Except for a few messages of her family, saying they missed her, and that they couldn't wait for her to come home.

I guess she never came home, there was messages from 2 weeks ago, from her mom.

Honey, answer please.

I felt sorry, they didn't know she died. Her own family didn't know she wasn't here.

Someone knocked on my door, making me jump.

"Who is it," I asked

"It's Gladys, I'm here to pick up any electronic devices you have," she said.

"Just a second, I'm changing." I said and quickly put everything back to where it was, dumping my phone, iPad, laptop and my chargers on their as well, and opened the door.

"Did you send any electronics back home?" She asked very nicely.

"Yes, I sent them when they informed me about the clean sweep," I smiled.

"Okay, thank you have a nice day,"

"You too," I smiled and closed the door as she left.

((Guys! Short chapter sorry. I know I say that I will update more frequently and I never do, I'm sorry I'm caught up with school and yeah. Please don't expect chapters every so often, expect them at least once a month, I'm sorry I do this to you, but I can't update as much as I would like to, sorry. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter, if you did please comment and vote(;! Love you!))

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