Chapter 18

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As soon as I closed the door, i checked the time on the clock that was on the wall. 7:26 p.m.

A vibration sound was heard from the box.

I had my phone on airplane mode, so it can't be mine. I looked around and locked the door behind me.

I followed the vibration to where I thought it came from, you would think that it was Serena's phone, but it wasn't because I had it on my bed and it wasn't vibrating.

The vibrating stopped and I gave up. Maybe I am turning crazy after all.

There was a knock on my door and I quickly glanced around the room before opening the door, we don't want another 'Kyle confession session'.

I opened the door and Ian was there.

"Ian, uh-" I smiled, "what are you doing here," I asked dumbfounded.

"Food," he said while he entered the room.

"Thank you," I smiled and turned to look at him.

"Do you have any plans for today?" He asked.

"No, I'll probably check out the forest or something, I need to take my mind off things," I forced a smile.

"Remember to call me if you plan on getting out of here, or you'll get grounded," he reminded me.

If you get out without supervision, you get moved to another room with no windows or anything, you have to sleep on the floor, without talki fb to anybody or seeing the sunshine, until you almost turn insane.

"You're here to get better, and you can't get better if you run off to the forest to do whatever you're trying to be cured of," was the first thing they told me when I asked them why I couldn't go anywhere without supervision.

"Will do," I smiled and he left my room. I locked the door and took out the things from the little door.

I still had a few boxes left, I can try opening them, see what they give me.

I opened the next box, it was about 5 by 7 inches or so, the box contained a lot of papers, some had drawings, others had some type of route, I took them out and sorted them out.

There was one paper that caught my attention. It was this exact room, a drawing of it, exactly the same, but it had a red line traced along.

More papers like this were found, exact same drawing but different marks, there was one that marked the hiding place behind the bookshelf, and another one that marked a place behind the bed.

Use old silver key. Was written in cursive.

I moved the bed and looked for any thing that could say there was a hiding place.

Nothing. Great.

There was a knock on the door and I quickly moved the bed back to its original place.

"Who is it," I tried to sound as sleepy or tired as possible.

"Kyle," oh.

I hesitated if I should open the door or leave him hanging.

"I am not going anywhere, if that's what you are wondering," Okaaaay.

I quickly cleared the room of everything that had to do with Serena.

I sighed and opened the door without anymore ado. He looked at me as if he were waiting for me to say something, but I wasn't going to say anything.

"I'm sorry for earlier, you know, leaving out of the blue," he looked to the window.

I just stared at him, I didn't have anything to say. I mean, he's just give me my answer about who S was, but it still had me wondering, it didn't clear my mind off the situation.

"Please say something," he pleaded.

"What do you want me to say," I sighed heavily.

"I don't know, say that you hate me, Or that you're grateful for the answer, or." He stopped and looked at me. "Something, anything would make this better," he sighed.

"I don't know what to say, I'm sorry," I crossed my arms.

"Yeah, me too," he punched the wall and stormed off.

"Kyle!" I screamed after him but he just ignored me.

Within seconds, Ian appeared down the hall.

"What was that?" He looked confused.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"I got you some candy," he smiled as he held the bag of candy up in the air. "Here, catch," he threw the bag at me and I managed to catch it without struggling.

"Thank you," I said as we headed inside the room.

"Is there any sports you like, or would like to try out?" He questioned as he sat down on the bed.

"I play softball, but I really want to try playing basketball," I smiled at him and sat next to him.

"Nice, what spot do you play," he asked while he snatched the candy bag and opened it.

"Outfield and second base," I stared at the wall.

Violet and I used to play together, ever since we were little. She was always better than me, but she always said she wasn't, and it wasn't like people did much to prove that she was better than me, coaches always put me as captain, and I would always say that Violet would be better, but they never listened, she stopped playing when we entered high school, but I continued, I love Violet, but softball was, is my passion.

"Hello, earth to Mads," Ian snapped his fingers at me.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

"I asked you a question," he stated in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Yeah, what was it, sorry," I looked at him in forgiveness.

"I asked if you were excited to participate in our sports activities," he asked very considerately.

"Oh, uh." I paused for a second and thought about it.

"Yeah sure," I smiled at him.

"Great, tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. Sharp," he stood up and smiled at me.

"See you then," I smiled at him.

"Adieu, my friend," he saluted me.

"Ain't your friend," I teased.

"Fiiiineee," he singsong.

I chuckled and closed the door behind him.

Oh well, time to be a fat ass. I thought to myself as I chugged down the candy Ian brought me.

I checked the time again. It read 8:56, bedtime is at 9, better get ready.

I made sure everything was in its place and secure, and got into bed, it's been a long day, at last I get to sleep. I fell asleep to the sound of crickets cricketing and wood creaking.

Tomorrow is a big day, at last I can play softball again. I smiled as I drifted off to sleep.

((GUYSSS!!! I feel horribly horrible!! I know I was gone for like two months, and I am soooooo deeply sorry, I had some trouble with my friends, and myself, but now it's all better, I am out of school now, which means, hopefully, more updates, and more answers *wink wink* I hope you're all doing so wonderfully great, and are having a good time, thank you for waiting so long for this chapter Cx, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please do vote or comment idk, thank you for reading,
As of my story, 'Him' if you guys were reading it before I unpublished it, I am still working on it, I've been a bit busy with trying to get that book back online so that you guys can read it soon, one of the reasons I've lagged on updating all of my stories, but hopefully I find more time to edit and rewrite Him, thanks for your patience, love you 💘))

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