Chapter 15

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I gasped for air, and started coughing.

"What happened?" I asked and looked around. I was in my room at Bradley.

"You were on the phone and you- fainted," Kyle explained.

I looked down at the floor, I wasn't ready to face it. It could be very possible that Violet recognized my voice.

"Did you get to know who the person was?" I asked Kyle and Ian.

"No, as soon as you fell down, Ian carried you and I just said some words like 'don't call again' and hung up," he explained.

So they didn't know who it was. It could have totally been Violet. Now she knows that I'm alive. And if it was her, what would happen, would she tell everyone she knows I'm alive?

No she couldn't. I mean, she did throw me off the bleachers, but I don't think she would tell people I'm alive. Could she?

"Are you gonna be okay by ourself?" Ian said.

"Yes, I think I will," I smiled weakly and watched them leave.

"Wait," I stopped them. "So you guys are friends?" I asked.

"Yes," they chuckled.

I just smiled and they closed the door. I took out my laptop from under my mattress and turned it on.

I wanted to know what was going on back home.

I typed 'Facebook' on the search bar and pressed enter. It took me straight to my profile. I haven't been on this thing since ages.

I typed Violet Langdon on my search bar and her profile came up. I clicked on it but the last post was a post of Ashley telling her that she missed the old Violet.

Had Violet changed after she pushed me? Did she regret it? I would.

I wanted to talk to Violet really bad, I wanted to talk to her, I miss her.

There was a knock on my door. I opened it and it was a woman, I didn't quite recognize her.

"Ma'am, there will be no more electronics in this reformatory, we will do a clean sweep of electronics on Friday, so you give us your electronics or send them back home before Monday." She said and I just nodded.

Okay, I can't live without my phone or my laptop or iPad. I had to find a place to hide them.

I thought about under the bed. But that'd be too obvious. After forty minutes of thinking for a hiding place, I gave up and walked to the bookshelf.

There were categories.

Romance, horror, drama, fantasy, sci-fi and much more. I grabbed a big book, Breath of Frost. It was old and worn out, I couldn't make the authors name.

I put it back on the shelf and it hit the wall, making a sound, like if there was an opening. I removed the books from the shelf and there was a hole. A keyhole.

I remember seeing a key somewhere in this room.


I was picking at the desk next to my bed, the paint was coming out all together. Like a paper. I kept picking at it and something shined. I kept picking it off and there was a key.

I grabbed the key and looked for a place where it could belong to. Nothing. There was a knock on my door and I quickly tossed the key inside my pillow's sheet.


That's it. I grabbed my pillow and got the key out. I put the key in the door and it opened with a click.

There were papers there, amd there was a blade.

I got the papers and sat at my table. I called Ian and told him to leave me alone.

The papers had drawings.

One of the lady at the front, who walked me to my dorm on the first day, and it said Bitch on the bottom with red ink. I turned the paper around to see if it had anything more and there was writing to it. It was all smudged and I couldn't read it.

There was another one. Kyle. 'Ass' was on the bottom with read ink. I turned it around and the lettering was neat in blue ink.

Kyle. You are an asshole, you made me believe you loved me. You made me fall for you, but you didn't catch me. You kissed another girl in front of my face, how could you. You are the worst human being in the world. No girl should be with you. You don't deserve anything. You're here because of murder, you should be in prison. Why are you here! Why did I even meet you? I hope something bad happens to you for playing with my feelings, with Ashley's feelings. All your bad deeds will be returned. Karma's a bitch. You watched my mother die, and you didn't say a word, you didn't try to save her. You're a very bad person Kyle, you're a horrible person. You only care about yourself, and you play with others feelings, you don't deserve anything. I hope you fall in love with someone and they break your heart just like you did with millions of people. I hope you find this letter, and I hope you regret all your little games and words with people you had. I hope you die Kyle. If you're reading this right now, I hate you and I hope you know you killed me.
Sincerely, S.

There was a knock on my door. "Maddie, it's Kyle." Kyle said.

Did he really kill her? Whoever 'S' is?

"Uhm, just a second." I replied and locked the opening. I put the books back in their place.

I opened the door and he looked concerned. "What's that in your hand." He pointed at my hand.

I looked down at my hand. It was the drawing. "Oh, it's- it's nothing," I crushed the paper and threw it in the trash.

"Okay, want to go for a walk?" He asked.

"Yea just let me brush my hair," I walked to the trash and took out the drawing and placed it under the bed. I brushed my hair and got out of the room with Kyle.

((Hello my lovelies! You guys are the best! It's been 3 weeks since I last updated. It feels like a year): 500 READS WOOHOOO! Everything is going downhill now. With Kyle and Maddie. And S, I always give you homework. Like who did that to Maddie, and who is S. And why she says Kyle killed her. I have a lot of answers. And I have to confess, this story is complicated. It's about Violet trying to find out what happened to Maddie, and Maddie trying to find out what happened to S, it's like a triangle. It's about them 2, Maddie and S. It's always been like that, I just needed you guys to get more of a view of Maddison because I figured if it was only about S, then you'd be bored. And this is very confusing right? It's about Maddie, and S mostly. You'll get it as we get further into the story. Well, I hope you like this chapter and thanks for reading. I hope I didn't confuse you cx. Please can we get this to 550? Please Vote, Comment and share with le friends😚💕))

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