Chapter 11:

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I woke up the next day to knocks on my door. No, more like punches thrown at it.

I stood up from my bed and pulled the door open, "what!" I screamed at the person, but I saw it was Austin.

"Well, good morning to you too." He said and I closed the door.

"What happened," I checked my phone. "It's 7 am, it's like the middle of the night." I snapped laying back on my bed.

"Violet knows about the shooting at your house, and she's been bombarding me with questions all day," he said and i stiffened.

Violet, my Violet. I knew she'd push me, but she didn't have any intentions to kill me, I know that's for sure.

"And?" I motioned for him to get to the point.

"Well, she wanted to come with me to visit you, but she thinks I'm at the store with my parents, I told my parents to cover up for me," he started. " they know about you, but they're trust worthy." He said.

"I know, just make sure it doesn't slip out of your mouth," I said.

"Well, How are you?" He told me. And I barely realized the words he said before. 'She wanted to come with me to visit you.'

"Wait does Violet know I'm alive?" I asked him with panic.

"What? No of course not," he said and I sighed in relief.

"So what's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing, just missing you at school. You know, you're gonna fall behind." He sighed.

"No, we have online school, and I'm receiving the credits that I need to graduate if I go back after this year ends." I told him.

"Oh okay, well Imma go kiddo, bye," he stood up and I hugged him goodbye closing the door behind him.

Ian appeared by my door.

"Hey there, I brought you your lunch," he smiled sheepishly and placed the tray of food on my desk.

"Thank you," I smiled and took my tray.

"So, Kyle?" He questioned.

"What about Kyle?" I bit my pear.

"He's UH, trouble," he whispered quickly.

"Whys that?" I questioned back.

"Well, when we were in highschool he used to Uhm..."

((Not really much of a cliffhanger but yea cx ily guys. How is you? Did you like this chapter? Please comment vote and share! Love you😘😘))

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