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Violets POV:
It's been a week since Maddie and I had that argument. Since she died. Or disappeared. I will never know what happened.
Her parents already set up banners and her face is on milk cartons and she is on the tv. They already know. About her missing, of course, not that I killed her. I haven't seen Austin around. But when I see him, he's weird.
I've been avoiding everybody. I just want maddie back. Is that too much to ask for?!
'Well, you could've possibly killed her. So yea it is too much to ask for'
Shut up inner voice. I didn't mean to.
Oh but you did.
Fuck off.
You're the one talking to yourself.
You started the conversation idiot.
You're the idiot.
Ha ha ha.
Whatever. Deuces.
"How are you Violet?" Veronica asked as she approached my table at lunch.
"I'm fine." I said as I got up and gathered my stuff.
"Please, talk. We miss the old happy Violet." She said as she gestured to the guys as 'we'.
"I need to go. I got to study at the library." I said trying to avoid a talk.
"You never study, Violet. You're smart naturally." WHATsever
"I need to study." I said pushing past her.
"Violet Langdon please report to the Principal's Office." A voice said through the speakers.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Did they find out??? Shit I'm dead. Calm down its nothing to worry about.
I made my way to the office when someone stopped me.
"Violet. What's wrong?" A guy who apparently knows me but I don't know him asks me.
"Who are you?" I ask him coldly.
"Caleb. Caleb Rivers." He said.
"And where do I know you from?" I asked coming more like a demand.
"We have French class together." Oh it was that one guy.
"Yea I'll inform later." I said pushing past him and continued my way to the principal's office.
"Mr. Cordero, Violet came." A lady said.
"Uh. You wanted to see me?" I said as I walked in.
"Yes. You're in trouble."
Shit he knew already. Run. Too late. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to please don't send me to jail!" I said as I started to cry.
"I'm talking about your grades and your referrals." He said looking weirded out.
"Right. I'm sorry." I said.
"Are you okay Violet?" He asked.
"Yea it's just that with Madison and you know. She was my bestfriend." I said.
"It's okay. The one who killed her deserves hell." He said. Of course I do.
"Anyway. I wanted to talk to you about your grades Violet." He said as he took out a folder with my name on it.
"I have an F?" I asked him.
"No but you have a 1.5 gpa." He said.
No shit. That's what straight C's do.
"Is there a problem wih that?" I asked.
"And you have 5 referrals for ditching & cussing & flipping teachers off." He continued.
"Sorry I'll try to be better" I said as I started to get up.
"Can I leave now?" I continued.
"Yes go ahead." He said a bit hesitant.
"Thank you." I said as I walked out coldly.
((A/n: hello guys. I'm sorry for the short update but I felt like I needed to update because I rarely update. Anyyyyyway. I'm updating the character list later on. And please comment or vote, it would mean a loooot to me. Ily all. And btw, this story WILL have a good ending. Well for the most part it will.
-xoxo A❤️😘

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