Chapter 4:

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After my little naps, I woke up. I was alone in a room and It seemed as if nobody was in the house.
I want to scream and shout and just run away from here. I don't like what they make us do. Who even brought me here? Where the hell am I. Why don't I remember anything. I need to talk to Austin.
I get up and manage to loosen the ropes on my feet. I keep them on just in case they come. I get up and open the door just a bit to see if I'm alone or if people are here. I hear the women comfort her children with whispers on the other room. I want to go and help, but I can't.
I walk over to the kitchen and spot Austin with another guy talking about escaping with all the money.
"Austin," I scream-whispered.
"Madison, what are you doing here?" He said.
"I need to pee and eat." I'd known Austin my whole life, it didn't bother me to tell him my business.
"We are making food right now." he pointed towards the soup they were making. Austin was always a good cook and the soup smells delicious.
" Where is everybody else?" I asked.
"Grocery shopping," the other guy said.
"This is Alex, Alex this is Madison." Austin said.
"Nice to meet you," I said, smiling. He was a handsome guy and looked around my age. Probably 17 or younger.
"Pleasure's all mine." he smiled back.
"And we're still here because?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" Austin said, moving the soup around.
"We have the chance to leave, why don't we leave?" I said, enjoying the smell of the soup.
"They took the car, and I forgot to bring mine, maddie. I'm sorry," Austin said.
"I was hoping to get out soon but it's okay." I said.
"When do you think they'll come back?" Alex said to Austin.
"Probably in an hour or so." He said.
"Can we bring the woman and her children out, they probably need air." I begged.
"Sure, Alex, go ahead and take them out." Austin demanded.
"Sure thing." Alex said as he left to the room.
"Madison, what exactly happened with violet?"
"We argued and I kinda pushed the line, but she didn't have to throw me off." I said.
"Yea, but about what were you guys arguing?" He said.
"Omar." I mumbled.
Omar was the slut of the school, and if they figured out about it, they'd yell bloody murder. He went out with Violet, and with Veronica at the same time. When I found out I liked him, I only told Violet, and she promised we wouldn't tell anybody. So we didn't.
"Who?" Austin didn't catch the name.
"A guy" I said.
"What guy?" Austin asked.
"O-" I was cut off by the lady and her children.
"Thank you thank you!!" They all said.
"I'm Violet, He's Austin, and the guy who took you out is Alex." I presented us to the woman.
"I'm Norma, my boy is Kellin and my girl is Katherine, Kathy, kellin, say hi."
"H...h...h-i" the little kids tried to say.
"Hello beautiful children." I crouched down to their size.
"Don't be afraid, we're good people." Austin assured them.
Austin doesn't belong here, neither does Alex, so why were they here.
We shared jokes and laughed a bit, I needed to relax and so did everyone else. We ate and shared stories. I kinda liked this a lot. But then the owner came and we had to hurry back to the room and pretend we'd been sleeping.
"WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!" The mean ones knocked our doors down.
"Today is a special day, do you know why?" He said as they lined us up in a line.
"You will be eating, but guess what. Y'all are too fat, so you will have to get rid of it without peeing or pooping it out."
Purging. I couldn't go back to that.
No no no. Not yet at least.

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