Chapter 14

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Maddison's POV:

Ian and Kyle caught up to me, holding a flashing thing in Ian's hand. "Your phone-" he panted "is ringing," he said on between pants.

"Thank you?" I checked the caller ID. Blocked ID read on the screen.

"Hello?" I hesitantly pressed the answer button and answered.

There was no respond. "Hello?" I asked again.

Ian looked at me confused, and Kyle was playing with a yoyo, where he got that from is a source of knowledge I lack.

"Hello!!" I grunted in frustration. "I can hear your breathing," I sighed.

"Uhm, hello?" A voice said on the other end. I was speechless now. It sounded like - Violet. Yes, it had to be her. My best friend. My Violet.

"Oh my god," I let my phone fall out of my hands when I realized what had just happened.

I was out of this world, I was in somewhere black. I couldn't see anything, and I could barely hear anything. I heard muffled noises.

Noises of someone picking up something from the floor. "Hello, we're sorry for that, our little daughter likes to play these kinds of games, please don't call at this time again." I heard someone say. But I didn't know who it was. I just heard them, I couldn't see.

It was like someone had blocked off all the light source coming to me. I didn't know anything. I couldn't see, I couldn't talk. As if someone had taken all of my senses leaving me (¿)senseless(?).

"Maddie," I heard an afar voice say.

I started falling from a high cliff, but I couldn't stop. And then 'boom' I hit the floor.

*in my dream*

I fell hard, hit the floor very hard. I was laying down under the bleachers unconscious. I couldn't move, but I could see and hear everything.

I don't know for how long I laid there on the floor hoping for someone to find me.

I heard steps, and I wish I could see the persons face.

"Well, hello there darling," a man's voice said. I felt him carry me and take me somewhere.

Where exactly was he taking me? I was unconscious and I couldn't do anything.

I heard a car alarm and he dumped me on, what I'm guessing, is the back seat, but he hit my head with the door. Ouch. He humphed and went to his seat. He started driving.

We arrived at wherever we were supposed to arrive, and he took me out of the back seat, carrying me again.

I heard a door open, and then he started walking upwards. My eyes couldn't see anything anymore, and I was feeling droopy. I closed my eyes, I didn't know what was gonna happen. I could only wish for the best.

I heard another door open and I was
dropped to a bed. I heard a lot of fidgeting but I couldn't make out the noise. I stood there motionless. Then, I felt a heavy weight on me, and some wet nasty kisses on my neck. I was disgusted by this guy.

I heard the door open and some yelling, I couldn't quite make the words though. I heard glasses crashing, and muffled cries. Then someone else came and carried me.

I was suddenly grateful that whoever that was, I wasn't raped and thanks to them. I was happy, but not for long.

They put me in the passenger seat, and drove off. I don't know for how long we were driving, but it felt like an eternity.

Finally, we arrived at the destination, and they got me out. The people started walking to I don't know where, they stopped. I was falling again, and harder than ever.

"That's it, I'm done with her. She'll be safe here, let's go!" The voice left with another voice.

*end of dream*

And then I realized something, This wasn't a dream, this was a part of what had actually happened after I fell down the bleachers.

"Maddie!" I was snapped back by the horrible strong smell of alcohol.

((Hi guys! Filler! So you finally know what actually happened to her, soon you will know who it was. But don't get your hopes up too high, it won't be too soon. But soon. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST READERS IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! So as promised, long chapters coming up, and no cliffhangers (this isn't really a cliffhanger cx. Happy late valentines day from The Walking Dead & I. if you didn't have a Valentine's, I'll be your valentine 😘 did you guys like this chapter? And thanks for reading! Please Comment, Vote, and Share(: can we get this to 500 reads? And I promise you will know who did this to her sooner than you think 😁😁I love you all so much! ❤️❤️❤️))

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