"THANKS DAD!" I screamed like I won a big prize or something. He patted my back and chuckled as my eyes blurred with unshed tears. "YOU ARE BEST!" 

"Of Course I'm the Best" We laughed,  breaking the hug. 

"Yah! Where is my hug!" Hyung yelled to which I rolled my eyes and teased him showing my tongue. 

"No Hugs for you. You called me annoying remember" 

Laughing at his pouty lips and Dad's wide grin I finally left the house. 

Stepping outside the first thing that I met was the cold air of the morning and the white icy snow blanket covering most of the ground. 

Suho Hyung was already waiting for me inside his car as I stepped down and entered his car and as soon as I was inside warm air hit me like a bucket of hot water. It was far better than the freezing cold outside. 

"Hey Hyung, how are you?" 

As I got myself comfortable in my seat I shifted my attention towards Suho Hyung. 

He smiled starting the ignition. "I'm fine, ready for school?" 

I bit my lips to stop myself from smiling widely. Of course I'm ready. Ready to meet Chanyeol. 

"Hell Yeah," He chuckled as he started the drive. Sighing I comfortably look outside the window as tall buildings and shops, markets and cars pass by. Few people open their shops while few just walk towards their destinations, each one starting their day in this cold weather like every other day. 

After a drive for half an hour Suho parked the Car outside the school gate. I literally jumped out like if I didn't the car would explode. Without even waiting for Suho Hyung to say anything I sped up my steps walking inside the premises greeting fellow students and few familiar faces who greeted back. 

Before I could even enter inside the building a hand shot up out of nowhere and clutched the strap of my bag before pulling me back. Yelping back I catch myself before I could fall and embarrass myself. As I steadied myself I huffed ready to yell at the damn person who dared attempt this stunt. 

"Mr. Byun Baekhyun, do you remember you have friends too or your brain has finally stopped functioning?" 

Startled, I turned around and faced a scowling Kyungsoo and a poker-faced Sehun who still looked a bit pale but good enough to attend school standing with their arms crossed. 

Laughing nervously I took a step towards Sehun before enveloping him in a hug. I was shorter so I fit below his chin as he wrapped his arms around me as well. Sighing I tightened my hold and with one last squeeze pulled myself back. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked Sehun. 

"Peachy" He muttered, shrugging with a thin smile on his lips. 

"Excuse me where is my hug?" 

Rolling my eyes I pulled Kyungsoo in a bone-crushing hug. Maybe I heard wrong but Sehun definitely chuckled at us. 

"Alright, leave me now you jerk!" I laughed pulling us apart as Kyungsoo gave me a stink eye. 

"You asked for it asshole!" I giggled at his scowling face before he broke out in laughter too. 

"Anyways, where is Jongdae and…." I looked around jutting my lower lip as I begged my eyes to find that one person.

Clearing his throat Kyungsoo pulled me back and made me turn around.

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