cryptids are cool 👌

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new jersey: james got out again

idaho: who?

new jersey: the jersey devil

new jersey: now he's just flying around like a bitch

kentucky: you think YOU have it bad? i have to deal with the pope lick monster on a daily basis

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kentucky: you think YOU have it bad? i have to deal with the pope lick monster on a daily basis

west virginia: i haVE FUCKING MOTHMAN

maine: i don't know why you guys are so mad. i love my cryptid

maine: her name is cassie and i go out on my boat to visit her every month

california: me and nevada put a cryptid through a divorce

utah: what

nevada: yeah we kind of share tessie, she's with me now

nevada: yeah we kind of share tessie, she's with me now

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georgia: why did you say divorce?!

california: cause we went to court for her. we used to share her but now i only get custody on the weekends

washington: omg

new jersey: oh SHIT OH FUCK JAMES GOT A KID.

alaska: lol

washington: whenever caddy gets a kid i blow the sea monster whistle

new york: therE'S A SEA MONSTER WHISTLE?!

new jersey: james isn't a sea monster, he's a carnivorous beast

oregon: then get a carnivorous beast whistle smh 🙄

florida: what if two cryptids had a baby

louisiana: how would they do the do, tho?

louisiana: they all look pretty fucked up

maryland: do you think they have kinks

delaware: please stop

massachusetts: they live underwater and the woods and kill people. i'd assume they have kinks

missouri: i hate this fucking family

states do be texting doe 😳Where stories live. Discover now