Chapter 45 - Can't a man catch a break sometimes?

Start from the beginning

"I legit hear you flying. Can't you handle it?"

"Do you think I'd be fucking calling if I could? Stop being a whiny bitch and get on the move."

"Don't be an ass. You legit gave me zero information."

"Oh right. There's a bomb going off in about... thirteen minutes."

"... Aiden?"


"MAYBE FUCKING START WITH THAT!" I quickly unlocked my front door, threw my satchel into the apartment, closed the door again and headed for the rooftop.

"Yeesh. I was getting to that but you interrupted my train of thought."

"Aiden I swear to fucking– you know what? Just tell me where to go."

"Indigo Halls."

"So I got about... five minutes. Why can't you get there yourself again?"

"I'm too far. I won't make it on time."

"Where on earth are you?"

"Oh my god, do you even listen to anything I say? This relationship is becoming real toxic and I'm becoming really un–"


"Right whatever. The company had a day out today to someplace that has acres of grapevines and an amusement park. So you know, I went and got myself drunk... before fucking around in the amusement park."

"Oh right, how long would it take for you to arrive? I'm not doing this alone without any sort of prep here." I finally reached the rooftop and immediately called for my power, moulding the wings onto my back before taking off into the starry night sky.

"It'll take me fifteen minutes. Think you can deal with it till then?"

"I– yeah I think I can manage. Maybe. Depends on the circumstances. Speaking of which, background info?"

"Oh right. Ahem, the culprit goes under the name of Rothwell and he's normal. Wait, bad wording. He has no Oddity. That's all I gathered in the short amount of time I had. Among other things."

"Wait actually backtrack. Why DID you find out about this so last minute? It's not very like you."

"Well you see, the guy has always been on my radar whenever I look for activities in the neighbourhood. Like, he's been saying some fucked up shit about and directing it towards Nori, who I will get to shortly. Anyway, I thought he was all bark no bite until I manage to get DMs between him and his sister from tonight. He stated quite clearly he's going to destroy Nori and everyone she loves in one go. Which means the guy wasn't all bark when he warned her about the bombing a week ago."


"Yes, yikes. Anyway, Nori is some social influencer, who happens to be the daughter of some big businessman. He's irrelevant. She's currently throwing her 28th today, which is where we are heading."

"Ok... I'm assuming Rothwell has some sort of grudge against her? Extreme internet troll? Also, it's fucking cold man. Couldn't he have picked some other day to do this? I think my wings are stiffening up. I didn't even know that's possible."

"Well yes and no. They met each other through the internet and they have also met each other in real life as well. They got along pretty well but everything changed, when the fire nation attacked..."

"... do you think you're funny?"

"Extremely. I am the funniest person you've ever met. The best thing that has ever happened to you."

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