CH. 59 ~ Nightmares

Start from the beginning

"Where's Yeosang?" I ask, scanning the room and expecting for him to pop out in surprise but finding none to my dismay.

"He's with Wooyoung, I think. But what brings me the honor of hosting the Lee Sun-Mi at this hour?" He inquired playfully as he shut the door and moved to his hammock that's being held up by two of the support beams a couple of feet to the right of his desk. "Sit where you'd like," he offers and I take up a seat on his chair, deciding to take advantage of the opportunity presented. And let me tell you, it is INDEED a comfortable chair.

"I was bored, and I'm too nervous to sleep," I answer half-truthfully, leaning back on the chair and spinning it to face him. He's fixed himself in his hammock, rocking himself comfortably as his legs dangle over the sides.

"Thought you would be. Leading something as big as this is no joke." He chuckles to himself, smiling fondly as he reminisces over some recovered memory of his I don't know of. "Well, I do have a bit more experience leading so... what's on your mind?"

I don't answer at first, finding it weird that he's even asking me such questions in the first place. Usually, the people I would approach if I had any qualms would be Seonghwa or Yeosang, but Yeosang hasn't been acting like himself lately and I haven't spoken a word to Seonghwa since he yelled at me. I'm not mad or anything but it just feels uneasy between us since neither of us has tried to patch up the situation. Aside from the occasional greetings and brief questions, we haven't spoken.

And it's not that I don't feel comfortable enough around Eye-patch to talk to him, it's just that he's never seemed like the type to comfort you. His stoicalness and authority just make him seem... impenetrable. This is probably why I was so surprised when I saw him completely broken down after Yunho's death.

"I'm feeling uneasy. I don't exactly feel ready to lead, but somehow I know this is my role." He guns in response and I let out a loud breath, one that expresses the mutual feeling between us: being overwhelmed.

"Yeah, I remember what it felt like when I first became 'Captain of the Aurora'. It was quite the ride for me." He mulls over it. "It's been such a long time, feels like it's been centuries since I became 'Pirate King'." The way he chews on his past and tries to digest it, it's like if it's some historical happening, makes me curious.

Another reason why I felt so disconnected from this man is that I know practically nothing of him. While I can tell you the pasta of every member of this crew, I couldn't tell you a single thing about Eye-patch if it isn't something another member has told me about. In all of the stories from the other he sounds so cruel and fearful, it makes me wonder what kind of upbringing he had to make him like that.

"Eye-patch, what's your backstory?" The mulleted man snaps out of whatever reverie he was lost in, lifting his head and looking straight at me with a scowl.

"Why do you wanna know?" He asks defensively and I begin to back down from asking, squirming in my seat from the look he's giving me.

"Well, I know everyone's back story and everyone knows mine but I don't know yours. It's only fair that I would know." I answer quietly, making him squint his eyes at me before relenting, which was much faster than I thought.

"I suppose you're right. Let's see, where should I begin?" He starts, already losing himself to his memories once again. Something tells me this'll be a bit long so I adjust myself accordingly. "I guess you could say my story started when I was 8. I grew up in Silean, the same place Seonghwa did, although, I was just the son of a fisherman and he was a Royal." He begins and already I'm fully engaged, giving him my full attention.

"I grew up with my mom and dad. My dad, as stated before, a fisherman, and my mom, a midwife. It was a good life, I can't deny it. I was loved, cared for, fed, and sheltered. In fact, I can say that I probably had it better than most of the crew. I was always a tiny little guy, scrawny and gullible, but if there's one thing I did have, it was wits. And sadly, I wouldn't always put them to good use."

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now