Chapter Two: The Triwizard Tournament

Start from the beginning

"You okay?" Neville asked concerned.

"Yeah, just...thinking." Gwen looked forward. People were getting off the carriages, and entering the castle. 

"Well it was nice to see you Luna and Neville." Hannah said to the two as they had hopped off the carriage. The two smiled and Hannah skipped into the hall followed closely by Gwen, Ernie, and Justin. 

"Hurry up Gwen, I don't want to be stuck sitting in the back of the Great Hall." Ernie shouted to her. 

Gwen had been looking around at the Great Hall soaking it all in again. She saw her sister Freya sitting with her friends who looked very invested in what Freya was saying. She saw the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan attempting to prank Seamus and Dean. Then she looked at the Slytherin table. At this table she saw Draco Malfoy next to Pansy Parkinson laughing at Hagrid. Gwen actually didn't mind most Slytherins, most of the time she thought they could be pretty funny, but the blood purity thing really put a damper in building strong relationships with any of them. 

When Gwen had arrived at the Hufflepuff table she sat in between Cedric Diggory and Ernie Macmillan. Cedric had been telling the group about the Quidditch World Cup.

"So you really saw a dark mark in the sky?" Susan Bones asked him.

"Oh yeah. My dad was so nervous he said he hadn't seen one of those in 14 years." Cedric Diggory was a seventh year like Gwen's sister, Freya. Cedric had also been pretty close to Duncan, and treated Gwen like the little sister he never had. 

"Were you scared?" Gwen asked. 

"I mean sure who wouldn't be, but I don't know I'm not sure that that really means You-Know-Who is back." Cedric smiled. He didn't want to make anyone nervous, but his eyes revealed that he was trying to convince himself with his own words.

Suddenly they heard the large doors open to the Great Hall. McGonagall was leading the parade of eleven year olds entering the Great Hall. They always looked so small and scared walking into the hall for the first time. 

The sorting ceremony started. The hat began to sing. The first years stared at the hat most looking quite confused. Then finally the first boy was called. 

"RAVENCLAW!" The hat shouted. The boy ran off to his table. Then the next boy went up to the stool. 

"SLYTHERIN!" The Slytherin table erupted in cheers. Gwen's eyes found Malfoy, and was shocked to see him smiling for what she was assumed was the first time in all four years (that wasn't at the expense of others).

A girl approached the hat next. 

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The young girl named Eleanor Branstone looked at the Hufflepuff table. The Hufflepuffs all began clapping and whistling. She was met with a warm embrace at the head of the table. 

The sorting ceremony continued on and the Hufflepuffs ended up with 19 new members. Once the last student had sat down the feast appeared on the table.

Gwen grabbed a plate full of Shepard's pie and sausage. She hadn't realized how hungry she had been since her excitement had been distracting her all day. The Great Hall which had once been filled with laughter and mumbles was filled with the sound of clanking dishes from hungry kids.

About an hour later Dumbledore finally reached the podium to give his opening speech. The Hufflepuffs all turned to listen intently. While Gwen had planned to listen very closely to what he was saying her mind couldn't help but wander. Purposely trying to avoid the Slytherin table she looked to see her sister. She was nodding along with Dumbledore, when suddenly her sisters face dropped. This was followed up by loud whispers throughout the hall. 

Dumbledore had cancelled quidditch and everyone looked around shocked. All the current house teams exchanged desperate looks. 

As Dumbledore continued he announced that the Quidditch season had been cancelled in order to host the Triwizard Tournament. The attitude in the room began to change. Hogwarts hosting two foreign schools seemed like it could be a lot of fun to Gwen. 

"You have to try to be the champion, Cedric." James, another Hufflepuff, whispered to Cedric. Gwen watched Cedric's lips form a smile.

"Wouldn't that be great if we had a Hufflepuff champion. Then we wouldn't be the laughing stock of all the Houses." Susan enthusiastically cheered. Many of the other Hufflepuffs nodded in agreement.

The students all began to make their way to their respective dormitories. Gwen was walking with Cedric. 

"Are you actually gonna put your name in the Goblet?" she questioned.

"I don't see why not, it's time we showed that Hufflepuffs are just as ambitious, brave, and intelligent as the other Houses." Cedric said. Cedric had a magical way of making you feel like nothing bad could ever happen. He could light up any room he walked into. Cedric was one of the most compassionate and hard working people Gwen knew. She knew that if anyone could win it would be him.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt. You heard Dumbledore they banned the tournament because so many students have died." Gwen was obviously worried.

"Gwen, have I ever let you down before." He smiled and shoved her a little. 

"No, and you better not start now." she teased. 

When they reached the kitchen corridor they tapped the barrel two from the bottom in the middle of the second row, in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff', which made the lid swing open, exposing a passageway that lead to the basement. Cedric and Gwen crawled through the passage. When they reached the end they had entered their common room.

The room was covered ceiling to floor with plants. The couches were large and worn in their house colors of yellow and black. The room was always warm and smelled like fresh baked bread. When Gwen had entered the common room with Cedric most of the first years were standing around listening to the Head Girl explaining the layout of the dormitories. Gwen exhausted from the day walked through the right tunnel into her room. She was the last one into their dorm room. Hannah had already fallen asleep in her bed, but Lily Moon and Susan Bones were still awake. 

"Aren't you so excited for the Triwizard Tournament?" Lily squealed.

"Yes! Won't it be so exciting to have Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang at school with us." Susan shuffled through her trunk.

"I just wish they didn't make it sound so dangerous. Especially since Cedric wants to be a champion." Gwen pouted.

"I saw you and Cedric walking together," Susan grinned. "he seems to enjoy your company."

"As if, he's like my big brother." Gwen threw a pillow at Susan. "He only sees me as a little sister."

"Oh come on, how would you even know that?" Lily asked.

"Because that's how everyone see's me. No one sees the younger chubby girl as more than their little sister." Gwen said while changing into her pajamas.

"Okay, now you know that's a lie. What about Zacharias Smith he liked you." Susan crawling under the covers.

"Does he really count, that was two years ago, and it was Zacharias." Gwen rolled her eyes. "Regardless I don't like Cedric like that. He is literally one of Duncan's best friends."

"Plus Susan, I heard he might have eyes for a girl in Ravenclaw." Lily said before blowing out the candle next to her bed.

"Fine, but I know someone has to like you, you're a catch Gwen." Susan reassured her.

"Well, thanks Susan, you too." She blushed. While she found this somewhat hard to believe, it was still nice to hear. She wanted to continue talking to Susan and Lily, but she had heard the two faintly snoring. "...Goodnight guys."

Gwen blew out the candle next to her bed and was asleep almost before her head hit the pillow.

Amortentia (OC / Draco / Fred Weasley Love Triangle)  (A HP Francise Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now