I follow after him, calling his name. This could just be another Illusion of Sehun's but if it were, Yeosang would've stayed to do me more harm. No, this is the real navigator. There's no way Sehun is playing his mind games. Not yet, at least.

"YEOSANG!" I shout after him once more and he seems to hear me this time. He stops at a tree just up ahead of me, leaning on it heavily for support. He looks so weak and tired that it's beginning to eat at me and I start worrying, getting ready in case of any severe wounds, but what I found was more than I could fathom.

When I reach him, I extend a hand to his shoulder, making him turn slightly. He was so weak that when I turned him, he pressed his back against the tree he was leaning on and began to slide down. I had to hold him up by his arms so that he wouldn't fall completely.

His head seemed to loll to the side with this motion but his hand remained clamped down around his right eye. The navigator's once cotton-white shirt was terribly soaked in what I suspect is his blood that's trickling down from where his hand is covering his eye.

"Yeosang, move your hand I need to see—," I regret moving his hand because the minute I do I'm faced with the sight of his horribly injured eye. It seems to me that he suffered a bullet wound because of the injury and the blood still coming out of there. His whole eye is terribly swollen and the way his dark red blood crawls down his paled skin makes me want to hurl, but I need to keep it together.

"Sun-Mi?" He pants, getting exhausted from the loss of blood and his awkward attempt at running away from me. "It hurts. It was numb at first but now it hurts and the pain is spreading to the rest of my head." He shakes his head, sliding further down and this time I can't stop him. He whimpers softly, sniffling as he brings his hands to where he can see them with his good eye and panicking when he sees how much blood he's lost. He goes frantic trying to get up but I stop him, figuring that I'll have to heal him just enough for him to get back to Bina's without more harm.

"No, you have to stay still for me. You're in no shape to move at all." I steady him by the shoulders, feeling his body slowly getting weaker as he struggles to stay focused on me. "I'm going to heal you but you have to tell me what happened. Can you do that?" He bobs his head just enough to signal a yes, taking a big gulp of air before informing me of the events. As he does, I inspect his wound closely.

"I was at the docks with Wooyoung. We were..." he furrows his brows and winces when he moves the damaged side of his face as he tries to recall the events, "... We were talking about something when the first cannon shot went off."

"Keep going," I prompt, lightly patting the injured area to make sure he can still feel. He sucks in a sharp breath and I'm relieved that his nerves haven't been damaged because that would've been really bad.

"When the first cannonball hit, I remember feeling confused. It wasn't until the second shot that I reacted. Wooyoung ran straight to the Aurora but I stayed behind to get the rest of the crew-- Ack!" He whines in pain when I apply pressure to the wound. From what I can gauge, whatever hurt him narrowly missed his eye, amazingly. "After I went for the rest of the crew, I was making my way back when some soldier ambushed me, trying to stab me with his musket and he got my eye. How bad is it?"

I curl my top lip when I see the small piece of skin that has been detached from his forehead.

"It's not that bad," I try to lie through my teeth and he responds by giving me a weak chuckle.

"You're terrible at lying, you know that? It's a shame such a handsome face got mutilated."

"Shut up." I silence him, apologizing afterward under my breath for being so curt. My nerves are beginning to be put on edge as I work to conjure up some magic. The tantalizing white glow of my physical magic lights up the skin under my palm that I've placed against Yeosang's gruesome injury to try to heal it. I press my lips tighter against each other as I bring my eyebrows down to concentrate. Chanting under my breath, I feel myself work a little bit to try to heal most of his wound, or at least enough to seal it.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now