CH. 47 ~ A Royal Attack

Start from the beginning

"Seonghwa wanted me to look for this idiot." He says, flicking Wooyoung's head. "I heard barking and recognized him right away."

"Wait, you're telling me this isn't the first time he's done that?"

"You'd be surprised," Yeosang mumbles. At this point, I'm not even surprised.

"What did Seonghwa want with me?" Woo speaks up and Yeosang sighs, scratching the back of his head.

"I dunno. Something about staying in the crow's nest. Hongjoong's been complaining that something bad is gonna happen if you don't—," The navigator isn't able to finish constructing his sentence because of what came next.


A loud explosion erupts from outside, causing the whole boat to rock violently with it. The three of us in the room work to regain our balance but a second explosion-- even louder than the first-- shakes the vessel incredibly hard, knocking all of us off of our feet. My glass vials and jars shake and clatter against each other, some of them even rolling off my desk and breaking as soon as they make contact with the floor. Yeosang is the first to get up out of all of us, moving over to the door to check what's going on outside.

"What was that?" I ask starting to hear the yelling coming from outside. I mentally pray that it's not what I think it is as I wait anxiously for Yeosang to open the door. As soon as he opens it I get a glimpse of the chaos on the main deck as everyone runs all around grabbing weapons and loading cannons.

"Crap." Yeosang curses under his breath, reaching under his blue coat to grab something strapped to his lower back. When he brings it out I catch the glimmer of the sun on the metallic object and I immediately start panicking. A pistol. "It's the Royal Navy. They're trying to board us." The navigator informs us deathly serious. The sudden solemnity that had overcome him gives me both fear and a small sense of peace.

"How many?" Wooyoung inquires from right next to me, waiting patiently for the blonde to answer.

"Can't say. There's too many."

"Sun-Mi, are you alright? Can you stand?" I nod as the lookout grabs my shoulders, making me look into his amethyst-colored eyes with wide, terrified ones of my own. "Get all the stuff you can get to heal people and the chakrams San gave you. Hurry." He commands and I shoot up obediently doing everything with shaky hands. I struggle to normalize my breath, stuffing all the vials and jars with tinctures and salves into my satchel and then opening up my closet to get out my chakrams when we hear a voice speak out from beyond the main deck.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH US?" I can hear Eye-patch yell at whoever it is climbing aboard.

"WHERE'S THE GIRL?" A loud voice bellows back at him and I recognize it. A feeling of terror seizes my throat grabbing hold of my vocal cords, silencing me for better or worse. If I could manage to speak the only thing I could do at the moment would be to scream. Thankfully I don't hear Sehun but I'm not ruling out the chance that he might be lurking out there. When I spin around to face the door again I bump into the table knocking over some utensils and herbs.

"Hey, hey. Calm down," Wooyoung advises, grabbing my still shaking hands in his as he tries to ease my anxiety.

"Woo, it's the Royal Navy! They're here for me, they're gonna kill everyone and take me and I—,"

"No, we're not gonna let that happen. Just— just trust us." He leads me out to where Yeosang is still standing with the pistol, ready to shoot out the brains of whoever gets too close. I continue listening in quietly to what's going on outside hearing the conversation get angrier until I hear the navigator suck in a sharp breath, cocking his pistol as he aims it expertly at someone's head, squinting one eye, and taking the shot. The sound of the shot rings out in my ears as I hear a scream followed by the splash of a body as it hits the waters beneath us. All hell breaks loose on the main deck, signaling for us to make our escape.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now